Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Marty Chan/ Nikita inspiration/ Dateline

Jan. 23 Marty Chan: I met the writer in residence Marty Chan yesterday and we discussed my script for an hour. Afterward, I spent 2 hrs writing, rearranging the scenes, and imagining what The Fighter script will be in different ways.

Jan. 24: During the meeting, we discussed the dialogue. I mentioned that there are a lot of portions in the script where it is transcribed from real conversations and real events that have occurred to me.

Me: I want to make it realistic.
MC: Let's use a different word, plausible.


Me: I have readers, producers, and writers who read the script. Usually I see what they have to say. You and the producer John Kerr said the same thing, so that's like the tally of two people to who thinks this part should be worked on.
MC: You can't think of it like a math problem. Ultimately, you're the one who has the power to do what you want with this script.

MC did give me a writing exercise to write "out scenes."

MC: Do you know what that is?
Me: Scenes that don't make into the script?
MC: Yes. Write something that between these two characters that won't be in the script at all so you can get to know your characters better.

Lamplight Tales: In Sept. 2010, I mentioned that I got published in the anthology of short stories called Lamplight Tales. I finally got it in the mail today. It's cool and inspiring to see my short story called TJ's Story published. There was also an order form if I wanted more copies of the book.

Nikita inspiration: I saw this Nikita episode a month ago called "The Recruit." I really liked it. It inspired me to write and to live my life. It was really about two recruits. The series premise is this woman Nikita wants to bring down this secret govt. organization called Division. Her partner Alex is on the inside and she's helping Nikita who's on the outside.

One recruit is named Robbie. He is at the top of his class and while Alex hates Division, Robbie loves it. He says: "I was poor and Division gave me a second chance at life. Now I can use the computer, shoot guns, fight, drive fast cars, and be like James Bond." R graduates to become a guard, and not an agent.

R was very disappointed because by being a guard, he stays in Division and he doesn't get to go out and use his skills. Alex tries to console him that if he keeps his eyes and ears open, he will find a way out of Division. I really felt for R because I have been disappointed in not getting my way when I don't get to achieve my goals.

I can identify, relate, sympathize with R. He feels trapped.

R snaps in anger and then starts shooting all the guards in Division. He was walking around in this calm manner, shooting the guards as everybody is running away screaming. Alex stops him and says there's a way out of there. Guards come and R takes A and uses her as a shield. A then tasers him.

Later, A thought R was executed. Cut to R being handcuffed to a chair as one of the bad guys talks to him: "We had made a mistake by making you a guard. The way you were going around shooting the guards without any emotion or hesitation whatsoever, you have been promoted to being a cleaner."

You know what that means, he's going to be an assassin. It's scary that he's going to be one, but at the same time you're kind of happy for him because now he gets to be an agent out in the real world.

The other story is about the recruit Sarah who's at the bottom of her class. She is going to be sent on a suicide mission, and she doesn't know it. Nikita has to save her. That kind of reminds me of the 1997 version of Nikita. There was an episode with a group of teens that Nikita and Michael have to train. At the end of the 1997 ep, the teens will most likely end up on suicide missions.

In this new one, Sarah has escaped from Division and she wants her baby back after she had given it up for adoption when she was a teen. Her parents were drug addicts and had given the baby up to a shady lawyer who gave the parents money that had them high for a month. S sees her kid who is now 5yrs old, but N convinces her that if she takes the kid now, she will always be looking over her shoulder because Division will kill her and her son.

The son lives in a big house with both parents. S moves on with her life away from Division.

Dateline: I'm still talking about that To Catch a Predator guy. I wasn't going to look for him on Youtube, because there are like 11 episodes and a couple hundred of guys. It's like me looking for a needle in a haystack. However, I had to at least try and I found him on the 3rd page by the screen cap.

I put this on thread "TV moments that angry up the blood."

Me: Hey guys, I found the video of that Dateline guy I hate. Here it is:

He's the one who brought the girl a koala bear and said that they should get to know each other first. I thought he was so fake seeming like he's interested in her more than just sex when he also brought strawberries and whip cream. C'mon, is there anything not sexual about that?

Oh yeah, and I did remember his job correctly, he was a court administrator.

(I knew it had to be something about the law.)

Youtube comments: "This show to me is love and hate, I hate how the do this but I love watching the reactions and some of the stuff they say on the net makes me cringe proper bad, they're doing a good thing getting these folk off the street."

"I feel sorry for the girls whose lives are ruined after they are abused by older men."

"I feel sorry for the judges and police and shit. the amount of pervs and stuff they must have to deal with every day, reading the chat logs..."

(Some people have mentioned they kind of feel sorry for the pedophiles, but then there are people who feel sorry for the victims.)

"For reals, and he lies about his age like being 24 would make it okay that he tried to meet a 12yr old girl for sex."

"Everyone gets lonely, that's what Xbox is for."
Me: lol.

"These guys should bring a gift for Chris Hansen just in case they are going to meet him."

"Yeah I would have almost felt sorry for this guy if he didn't have a PETA bag."

I'm reading these comments and people are joking around saying that since the predator had a PETA bag, it means anyone who works for PETA is a pedophile.

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