Friday, June 7, 2024

"Savage rejection of man’s marriage proposal in busy McDonald’s goes viral: ‘She said McNo’"/ "Is This The Worst Marriage Proposal Ever? This Woman Cannot Get Over How Terrible Her Fiancé's Proposal Was"

May 6, 2022 "Savage rejection of man’s marriage proposal in busy McDonald’s goes viral: ‘She said McNo’": Today I found this article by Peony Hirwani on Yahoo news:

A video of a man’s failed marriage proposal at a McDonald’s in South Africa has gone viral.

A man can be seen in the viral video holding out a ring box while the woman being proposed to places her order at the fast-food chain’s Sandton branch in Johannesburg.

“Witnessed such a sad situation today yoh,” said Twitter user Madame Fossette who uploaded the viral video, which has collected 3.7m views and received over 66,000 likes and 11,000 retweets.

The woman can be seen chatting with a McDonald’s employee before looking back and shaking her head sideways at the man.

The crowd at the restaurant can be heard cheering in the background.

But things take a turn for the worse as the woman exchanges inaudible words with the man and then storms out of the restaurant.

The man gets up, collects food from the counter and leaves as well.

While some social media users shared their sympathies with him, others said “women have all rights to say no to a proposal”.

Many blamed the man for proposing to the woman “at a McDonald’s out of all places”.

“Proposing at McDonald’s might be a sign of insanity,” one person wrote.

Another person joked: “She said McNo.”

“Trying to back someone into a corner is one thing, but doing it in a fast food line is absolutely crazy,” one person wrote.

Another added: “He proposing at McDonald’s... The disrespect. He lucky she walked away cause I would’ve tossed the ring in the fry grease.”

Savage rejection of man’s marriage proposal in busy McDonald’s goes viral: ‘She said McNo’ (

Jun. 17, 2022 My opinion: Where do I start?

1. McDonald's is one of the least romantic places to propose to someone.  Pick a more romantic place or at least a neutral place to propose to someone.

2. The thing with public proposals is that there is even more of a social risk with other people/ strangers watching.

If you get rejected, then everybody saw you get rejected.  Now with smartphones with cameras, a lot of people can document this and put this on the internet.

Jul. 29, 2023: If the couple met or had their first date at McDonald's, then maybe you can propose there.

I'm against public proposals because there are others watching this.

Nov. 23, 2023 "Is This The Worst Marriage Proposal Ever? This Woman Cannot Get Over How Terrible Her Fiancé's Proposal Was": Today I found this article by Buzzfeed on Yahoo:

Reddit's r/relationship_advice column does exactly what it is named for: helping give people relationship advice. And, a recent question from u/Temporary_Wish_7261 has thousands of people chiming in with their thoughts...

She starts the thread by explaining, "My fiancé and I have been together for eight years. As a whole, we have a great, stable relationship, but I can't move past my constant disappointment with his proposal. 

I didn't receive a 'this is why I love you' speech or a grand gesture of asking me to marry him — he never even got down on one knee (not that it's the end of the world, but it's just painting the picture)."

It happened on the last day of a camping trip they were on — one that she was certain he was going to propose on. "The evening of the last day, he only wanted to go fishing. So I sat in my kayak and cried to myself for over an hour thinking it wasn't going to happen. He didn't propose at any beautiful hiking viewpoints or sunsets throughout the week, and we were leaving in the morning. When we brought the kayaks in after fishing until dark, he went to the truck, came back, and handed me a ring box saying, 'This should make you happy.'"

U/Temporary_Wish_7261 said she suggested him proposing to her "a few times over the years, and he HATED the idea." She added, "I wasn't going to do something he wouldn't be happy with just to speed things along for myself."

Ultimately, she said yes. Fast-forward a year later — where they are now a month out from their wedding day — and she booked the same campsite on the same lake on the day, hinting that he could "make the proposal up to her."

"He did not even acknowledge the anniversary of our engagement. I can't move forward from this. 

I cry when friends get beautiful engagements, I cry watching rom-coms. 

I feel nothing but disappointment that I will never experience the gesture of love I dreamed about my whole life. 

Any time we have a disagreement or I feel unwanted by him, I am just reminded of the disappointment I feel in regard to the proposal. I don't even enjoy looking at my beautiful ring because it doesn't bring me a happy memory," she said.

She said her feelings about the proposal have completely clouded her feelings about him. "I don't want to ruin my relationship over this, but I don't know how to move on. He said he can't change how things happened, which is true, but it's been over a year, and I can't seem to move past my disappointment."

Redditer users came in hot and heavy with their thoughts! Like user u/BusAggravating5260 who did not hold back, "My parents' engagement was similar except he threw it to her and said, 'Have this.' They’re divorced now."

U/orangecrushisbest blatantly said, "It's a shut-up ring. I wouldn't accept it."

"'This should make you happy' is not a proposal at all. You would be well within your rights to give it back until he actually asks you to marry him. 

Honestly, he doesn’t really sound like he likes you that much. Sad to say your resentment toward him will most likely continue to grow. Don’t get married until this is resolved," said u/Disastrous_Ad_8561.

U/HoshiJones said they rolled their eyes at the situation, "That is the single most sh--- proposal I've ever heard of. It implies that he's doing you a f---ing favor. 

I wouldn't be able to get past that either. You need to talk to him and get to the bottom of it. Does he not want to marry you?"

Some people think she was expecting too much, however. 

"If you’re the type of person who needs grand gestures, then you will be sorely disappointed throughout your marriage. 

If he can’t make a grand gesture to propose, then he definitely will not for anniversaries and birthdays, etc. You need to decide if this is something that you can live with or not. If not, you know what you need to do," said u/freudianfalls.

Either way, most people agree they need couples counseling before they tie the knot.

 "Forget the bulls--- that people in this thread are telling you about your expectations are too high or you have a princess mentality. 

A marriage proposal should be exciting and joyousOne partner is asking the other to spend the rest of their life with them. 

If that is what they really want, they should be excited to propose, and excited to move into the next phase of their relationship/life together. 

Having a ring box handed to you and being told, 'This should make you happy' is the exact opposite of that. 

I don't think he is excited to marry you, to spend the rest of his life with you, or to build a future with you..."

"...I've seen literal high school kids put more effort into asking someone to go to prom with them or asking a classmate to be fake married for a parenting project. 

It's time that you stop hinting at what you want and you need to stop dancing around his feelings because he certainly didn't care about yours with that lame-a-- proposal. 

In couples counseling it will give you the space and tools to have this discussion in the open 

and say what you need to say without worrying about how he will react."


OK, go wild with your own thoughts and suggestions in the comments!!!

My opinion: This proposal seems like he didn't really care or put effort in it.

You should definitely get couples counselling before getting married.

There doesn't seem to be any energy or enthusiasm put into the proposal.  He didn't seem happy or excited and neither did she.

This reminds me of my Mar. 2020 blog post.  When I gave magazine clippings of celebrities to my friends, they were very happy and excited.

Quickbooks/ How to make decisions/ Tracy giving away her magazine clippings (Work from Home Part 1)

Dec. 31, 2023 Post Secret:

Classic secrets:

Mar. 24, 2024 "Basketball game marriage proposal and rejection": This was in Feb. 2008.  This man is down on one knee and is proposing to this woman in the center of the basketball court.  I was watching this on the internet.

The woman looks like she's in her late 20s or 30s.  She was white and has long dark hair and wore a red long top, and black leggings.

To the best of my memory, the white man was the same age and wearing a white shirt.

Sports announcer: For once, I would like to see the girl say no to him.

She said no, and then she walks away.

Sports announcer: When I said I wanted to see the girl say no to him, I was just joking.

The guy walks to the other side of the court, and the mascot was walking with him.  

The mascot was grey and looked like a wolf.  He kind of looked liked like this mascot:

My opinion: I was 22 yrs old when I saw this.  I thought: "Did you even talk about marriage prior to this proposal?"


When you propose marriage to someone: 

Mental risk: You have to be mentally prepared for this.

Emotional risk: You have to be emotionally prepared for this.

Financial risk: The ring is expensive.

Mar. 25, 2024: I found the video when I typed this into Youtube: "basketball game marriage proposal and rejection."

The woman did have long black hair.  She was wearing a grey dress with a white belt and black leggings.  The man wore a blue shirt.

30 seconds in:

Sports announcer: I'm just waiting for once for the gal to say no.

1 min.

Sports announcer: Well you know, I was just joking when I said that, you know that right?

The mascot was a grey bear for the NBA Houston Rockets:

Food Court Proposal Gone Bad: I remember seeing the photos in a Globe and Mail article.  This guy proposes to this woman in front of a Cinnabon in this food court.  He said they met there 1 yr ago.

A guy comes out and plays the guitar.  The man sings.  She then walks away.

I thought the guy who proposed was cute.  He did dress up by wearing a blazer and tie.

One of the comments is someone wrote what happened:

Lyrics DIZZY GUY: "Now listen, I... Caroline, I'm dizzy whenever I'm around you. I'm dizzy in love. We
met here one year ago, right in front of this Cinnabon, and when we did, I was dizzy in your
OLD ITALIAN MAN: "SAY YES!" DIZZY GUY: "Dizzy in your presence. And listen, Caroline, I love everything about you. I love
the way that you... you get a cupcake and when you have the cupcake you cut it in half and the
frosting and you make a little tiny... a little cupcake thing. And I, I love the way you curl up next
to me on the couch and you purr like a little kitten." [stands up] [enter MUSICIANS] MUSICIANS: [singing "Sweet Caroline," a bit out of tune] 🎵Hands, touching hands. Reaching
out, touching me, touching you. Sweet Caroline, Good times never seemed so good. I've been
inclined. To believe they never would...🎵 [abruptly stop singing] DIZZY GUY: [get down on knee] "You make me the happiest most dizzy man in the world, and
please, will you marry me?" [audience cheers in background "woooo!"] CAROLINE: [hands on head] "Oh my god! Oh my god! I can't!" (runs away) DIZZY GUY: "Caroline!" (stare blankly for a few seconds) CAMERAMAN: "whaaaaa? (pause) ohohhooo!! OHOHO! Oh my god... that is brutal!
(to DIZZY GUY) It's alright man! It's alright! (to himself) oh ho ho. Ohhh my god. (chuckling)
This guy, just totally got turned down." [exit DIZZY GUY] WOMAN (off camera): "The Cinnabon... uhh..." CAMERAMAN: "ooOOoo" WOMAN (off camera): "the Cinnabon lady said she'd marry him." The end

Mar. 24, 2024 My performance at the jr. high talent shows: I was dancing by myself in front of 700 students and teachers .

Mental risk: I have to be mentally prepared for this.

Emotional risk: I have to be emotionally prepared for this.

Social risk: I'm performing in front of 700 people.

Physical risk: I could fall any time.

A lot of people have told me that I was brave and confident to dance in front of all these people by myself.

In gr. 11.: This was nearly 2 years after I performed in the talent show in Jan. 2000.  

In fall 2001:  At lunch I was with this Asian girl Karen and she was with this Asian girl and East Indian girl in gr. 10.

Asian girl: Did you go to (this jr. high school) ________?
Tracy: Yeah.
Asian girl: Were you in the talent show?
Tracy: Yeah.
Asian girl: Oh yeah, the whole time I was watching you, I was like: "Oh my God, how can this girl dance in front of all these people by herself?"

This is from my Apr. 2023 blog post:

2022: The Year of Personal Decluttering/ Do you want to go to Las Vegas with me?

Sept. 20, 2017 A guy who bought a box of condoms:

Cut to 2000.  It was Fri. night.  Probably Just for Laughs.

It was in May or Jun. 2000.

When I was 14 yrs old I was checking out Comedy Network.  This 20-something yr old guy with curly blond hair and he was wearing a nice light blue button down shirt and khakis.  

He was handsome.
He was smiling.  He has his hands in his pockets.

Guy: So the other day I bought a box of condoms.  
There is a pause.  The audience is silent.
A guy in the audience yells out: Ow, yeah!
Guy: Because my last one was expired.
The audience laughs.

I was like: "That's the cleanest sex joke I've ever heard."
I never thought I would say that.

Apr. 3, 2023 My opinion: He's making a joke about himself.

Mar. 24, 2024: I am projecting myself on him.  He's trying to be funny.  When I was 14 yrs old, I didn't really find that funny and was annoyed because he didn't say anything 18+.

Mental risk: He has to be mentally prepared for this.

Emotional risk: He has to be emotionally prepared for this.

Social risk: He's performing in front of hundreds of people.  

What if he burned himself and nobody laughed?  Then it's like be burned himself for nothing.  

I would give him points that he is brave and confident enough to take the risk.

These marriage proposals and rejections remind me of this Aug. 2023 blog post.  This asks: "How well do you know your friends and family?"

grey issues (Part 2)/ how well do you know your friends and family?/ truth and lies

I wrote about watching this from the TV show Dollhouse:

Boyd: You can't always predict or control the consequences.

These are the other 2 blog posts:

"Date Lab: Can a U2 fan fall for a Justin Timberlake buff?"/ "People Shared The 1 Behavior On A First Date That Immediately Ruled Out A Second Date And It's A Little Too Real"

"Calgary woman swindled out of nearly $500K in online dating scam"/ "Romance scammer reveals how he tricks women after failing to fool Go Public reporter"

My week:

Fri. May 31, 2024 "Messages from Your Soul With Faye Fitzgerald": This is an online event from 
Calgary Energy Healing and Meditation - Training in Power
.  There are 25 of us there.

They give people free energy readings: there is like life advice for people who want this.

Sat. Jun. 1, 2024 Shoppers Drug Mart: Today I went there to buy 3 No Name chips (200 g each) for $5.  I wrote about this last week: 

"Waste not"/ "'Like throwing money down the drain': Food waste is out as grocery prices rise and budgets tighten"

May 30, 2024 "Has the Loblaw boycott boosted business for independent Ottawa grocers?": Today I found this article by Marlo Glass on the Ottawa Citizen:

Organized in an 80,0000-member group on the social media platform Reddit, some Canadians pledged to boycott Loblaw-owned stores for the month of May, due to mounting frustrations with higher food prices and a lack of competition in the grocery sector.

Garage sale: I took the bus home and got off to check this out.  There were 2 white women in their 60s and they sold some lawn chairs, VHS, cassette tapes, etc.  They were there from Thurs. -Sat.

Sun. Jun. 2, 2024 I cleaned my room: I do this once a year.  

I wipe my bedroom window and blinds.  

I wipe the dust off my surfaces.

I vacuum under the bed.

I changed the sheets.

My mom helped me.  This was about 1hr and 20 min.

Wed. Jun. 5, 2024 Community League Meeting: This will be the last meeting for the next few months.  This was held outside.  It was sunny, but really windy.

A few volunteers got awards of flowers in flower pots. 

Thien An restaurant: They bought:

Stir fry Singapore noodles with beef, green and red peppers

Stir fry veggies

White rice

Spring rolls

I got the noodles as leftovers.

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