Monday, December 13, 2010

friends/ A Heartland Christmas/ The Office

Dec. 11 Friends: Today I called up my friend Jessica, and we chatted for 15 min. She asked about my surgery, and I told her I'm feeling better because my appetite's coming back and my energy is up. In my recovery booklet I got from the hospital, it said there are "post surgery blues", as in you feel kind of sad after a surgery. That phone call was a boost for me.

16 and Pregnant: I finished reading all the comments on Leah. This girl ended her relationship with this guy Robbie who've they been together for a couple years. Then L meats a guy Cory and within a month, she got pregnant with him. She has twins with this guy she hardly knows.

I and a lot of twop people think Cory should do a paternity test just to make sure that it was his kids, because she was Robbie right before him. C was a really good and stand up guy who got two jobs and sold his truck to take care of twins and Leah. C was 19 and he bought L a car so L could drive the twins around to doctors appointments.

L got pregnant because she thought her Depo-provera shot was still working. In teen magazines they always say use two forms of birth control. A condom, and something else like the pill or the shot. So if one form doesn't work, there's back up.

I really thought L should have given the babies up for adoption. Two babies double the cost, and neither of them came from a lot of money. I read that L's mom was a foster mom, and you do get paid to take in foster kids. L moved in with C and they lived together for awhile.

Twop people say she took C for granted, so C left and started dating someone else.

Throw in people saying L's hair was bad. At the front of the hair, it was straight, and in the back it was curly. I guess to make it more interesting looking, but it didn't look good on her.

Tyra Banks: That reminded me of the African- American Jessica on the Tyra Banks show ep about teen pregnancy. Oh c'mon, who could forget her? Well Jessica's bangs were straight, and her hair was curly so it didn't look as bad because it was just her bangs. J was the girl who said: "I had two abortions and a miscarriage."

TB: That sounds like you said "I had a sandwich, a can of pop, and a bag of chips."

J came back months later to do an update. She had said she wanted to have a baby with her ex- boyfriend and they could raise it together and be a family.

J: After I saw myself on TV I realized how stupid and ridiculous I sounded and looked.

Well at least she learned her lesson to not get pregnant as a teenager, again.

Dec. 12 Writing: I was on the computer all morning pitching my script. My sister then turns on the TV to see the last part of Charlie's Angels. It reminded me of my script because Bosley was kidnapped. There is this noise of a bird chirping. It's a very specific bird that's only located in one place so that's how they find Bosley.

In my The Fighter, there was something kind of like that about a bird chirping, but it got deleted. It wasn't useful to the script.

Cream cheese: Cream cheese can expire pretty fast. I finished eating a small container that expired a month ago. I ate it in a few days and it tastes fine.

A Heartland Christmas: I saw this 2-hr TV movie tonight. It's a big event for the TV show Heartland that's about a family running a horse ranch in Alberta. Amy and her boyfriend Ty try to save a group of horses from an avalanche. Some horses have died. Another avalanche occurs and they try to keep the horses warm and giving them food. The owner of the land and horses didn't want the horses to be saved. Amy's dad Tim and her grandpa Jack comes to help dig a trench to move the horses out because wolves will hunt them down if the avalanches don't kill them first.

The owner is a hermit and has isolated himself from his daughter and his grandson. Throughout the movie, we learn that he was somewhat responsible for his son-in-law's death. He took his son-in-law and his friends out to the mountain on Christmas Eve, and an avalanche occurred and killed them. The town then rallies with Amy and her family, and dig a trench to help the horses. The owner reunites with his daughter and grandson.

Dec. 13 Great news: I was pitching my script, and a producer emailed me back asking to read it. So I sent it to him, and then we were IMing each other a bit. I have never IMed with a producer before. lol.

30 Rock: I saw some more holiday specials. On 30 Rock about working on a Saturday Night Live show, the actor Tracy Jordan wants to get an Oscar. He doesn't want to release a movie that's like Eddie Murphy's where an actor dresses up like he's overweight and plays a variety of characters. TJ goes to a women's shelter to air his serious drama and realizes that laughter is the best medicine so he shows his comedy instead.

Liz Lemon wants to get away from family drama and is going to visit her family for a short trip. She goes to her boss's Jack Donagy's Christmas dinner, but is greeted drama there. Jack got his girlfriend pregnant, and they aren't married, so Jack's mom disapproves. Liz then heads home to appreciate her family drama.

The Office: I liked The Office 1 hr special. Jim notices it's snowing, and Dwight makes fun of him for getting excited about snow. J throws a snowball at D. Then D went overboard and started attacking J throughout the day with random snowball fights.

Kelly chooses the company presents for the staff and picks a Hello Kitty laptop cover. It's not a good gift because it's for girls and not everybody has a laptop. The other choice was a fleece blanket.

Darryl wants to celebrate Christmas with his daughter, but she wants to spend it with her mom. However, she attends the office Christmas party with him. He bonds with his daughter as they go around passing out treats from the vending machine. It was heartwarming and funny episode.

Big City Cupcakes: My sister bought 6 cupcakes from there, so she wouldn't have to pay GST. The cupcakes are great. It costs $3.95 per cupcake. I would rather buy the Safeway cupcakes. I think it's like $5 for 6 of them.

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