Friday, October 9, 2009

funny/ news/ coincidences

Oct. 6 Funny: I was watching this reality TV show Disaster Date, and it was funny. It also inspired me to write. Well the show is about how someone sets up their friend on a really bad blind date. For every minute they last on it, they get $1 per min. It's up to $60 for an hour.

Patrick and I were watching it.
Me: I would never set up my friend to go on a bad blind date, but I would do it to my sister.
P kind of cracked a smile at it, but he won't admit it was funny. lol.

The friend knows what her friend who's getting the trick played on hates, and the date does all the bad things. Everybody at the place is an actor. This guy Jeff is out on a date, and he annoys this girl by saying that "she shops on a budget." The girl says: "This stuff is super- expensive." Oh yeah, I should get a guy to say that to S. lol.

Or say something like how she doesn't seem very smart. That would annoy the hell out of S, like ask: "So what school did you go to? NAIT?" I am inspired to write about how a girl goes on bad blind date, and the guy totally misreads her. I know if you look at S, she is very professional and well- dressed. How could anyone get misconceptions about her?

I do have to say I like Jeff. He's handsome in a preppy, clean cut, kind of a geek way. He seems bookish even without glasses. He was a waiter in another date and he wore glasses. He kind of looks like Aaron from Gossip Girl. However, I never found A really attractive at all. They both have the same shape of face, but different hair.

Jokes: Basically if I am to annoy S, I would have to find a male version of me who says stupid- but funny things. Tell jokes that S does find funny, but wouldn't admit to it like: "So the other day I bought a box of condoms... because my last one was expired."

Or the other time my family and I were having dinner.

S (to P): If it wasn't for me, you would still be wearing sweatpants.
Me: I used to wear sweatpants up until I was in gr.9. I also wore suspenders too, so people won't pull them down.
S uses her bowl and chopsticks to cover her mouth to hide her laughter.
S: Where's that from?
Me: Street Cents. The host Andrew Bush was ranting about these Levi Jeans saying: "These jeans have yellow lines in the back pockets that don't do anything. Cargo pants have these huge pockets so you can put a bunch of stuff in them. I used to wear sweatpants up until I was in gr.9. I also wore suspenders too, so people wont' pull them down."

Oct. 7 News: I read in 24 today that: "Youth unemployment rose from 10.7% in Jan. 2008- 16.3% this summer." That reminded me of summer 2007 where I went job hopping.

There's a huge earthquake in Indonesia and thousands are dead. There doesn't seem to be a lot of coverage about that.

Remember Mark Twitchell? That amateur filmmaker who acted out his script by pretending to be a woman and luring a guy to his garage. The he kills him. Well he showed up in court yesterday.

I read in the Metro yesterday: Did you hear about the Artificial Virginity Hymen kit from China, costs $30? In the Middle East it's sold to fool husbands into thinking their wives are virgins. They believe that a woman is not a virgin unless they bleed the first time. "The product bleeds a blood- like substance when inserted and broken." The Conservative Egyptian lawmakers are banning these kits.

There are also a medical procedure to reattach your broken hymen, but that's illegal too.

Stupid criminals: I read this in 24 about how 3 guys beat up a taxi cab driver and got him to drop them at an apartment building, where one of the guys lived in. That is so stupid, so they got caught.

I might as well throw this one in. There are 2 intruders who broke into the Calgary Zoo and they were attacked by a tiger. The lesson is, do not break into zoos because animals can attack you.

Weird: I read in 24 that Amy Jo Johnson from Flashpoint is 39 years old. She looks like she's in her 20s. Maybe early 30s. Or maybe it's because I've seen her as the Pink Power Ranger, and that's all I see her as someone who's young.

There is a study in the journal Motivation and Emotion said that little irritants like talking with your mouthful can be a romance enhancer. Participants asked about their 2nd biggest pet peeve about their partner showed an increase in liking them. Their partner's largest flaw experienced a decrease.

Rant: Another thing is about two polygamist leaders from Bountiful cult being arrested. It is a "fundamentalist Mormon community." Harold Blackmore quit the cult, and said: "The more wives (the men) have, the more children and the more welfare." What's weird is there is a correlation between this and Maury.

I mean that teenage girl on Maury who wants to get pregnant and say: "I'm going to have a baby and all of you guys are going to pay for it." The cult gets me angrier because there are dozens of kids of there, and all my tax money is going to it. At least with one teen girl, it's usually only one baby. Unless Maury intervenes and prevents it from happening.

Coincidence: A coincidence is that earlier this week I was watching Lie to Me, and the subplot is Jillian and Loker go to a polygamist place to find out if they're taking advantage of the govt. money. They have 30 houses there, and they are listed as churches so that they could get money from the govt.

There was a happy ending. J calls this place and gets the mom, and her four kids out of the compound. The leader was mad and says to J: You made a big mistake."

Me: What are you going to do? Kick my ass?

Oct. 8 Feelings: I am still kind of angry. I have this residual effect on me. Right now I could go and get angry again, but I'm going to avoid it. Why? Because I'm going to watch good TV shows that bring me up to a good mood. The shows are The Vampire Diaries, Flash Forward, and The Mentalist.

Let's focus on the positive. My mom and grandma has been nice to me in washing the dinner dishes for me. I usually do them most nights, but I don't have to because of my hands. I have this xzema (I don't know about the spelling) on my hands.

Southland: In other news Southland got canceled. It had a good first season because it debuted mid- season. However, it has been decreasing in ratings. Then today I read that they produced 6 episodes for the 2nd season, and they got canceled because it was too "gritty and dark." That's what I would say.

There are TV shows I watch like Criminal Minds and Law and Order: SVU, but it is not filmed like Southland is. This show seems more real and not scripted.

Writing: In between my break from the TV shows tonight, I put in a good hour and typed up what I had written on my old MacEwan agenda. I then piled the Rain script together and got 21 pages for now. It's a coincidence, I was going through my notes yesterday and I read Conni's questions about why these 2 people are together. Why are they a couple? What attracts them together? What makes you root for them?

Those questions were for my Garret script. I then applied those questions on my Rain script. The coincidence is that Conni emailed me today and commented about my outline. She liked the idea, and she pointed out there was no ending. I haven't figured it out yet.

Oct. 9: Those are really good questions. I actually have Rain fall in love with the bad guy. The bad guy could redeem himself in the story. Or maybe she should go with the funny sidekick.

Song: You know how earlier this week I thought about that song called "All I Have" by Jennifer Lopez and LL Cool J? What a weird coincidence is that I was listening to the radio and someone requested that song. It's weird because that song is from 2002, and I thought of it.

Saying: Psychic Miki says: "There is no perfect timing for anything unless you create it."

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