Wednesday, November 4, 2009

dating/ job tips/ safety tips

Nov. 2 Dating: Since the route with Justin didn't work out, I'm back on the online dating circuit. Yeah, it is work and does take effort. I have to look at pictures, read profiles, tailor emails to people. I'm going to put about half an hour into this. I need to make this fun by listening to music, and making myself think by doing this I can prevent writer's block.

Charity: Today the Children's Leukemia Research called me for donations. We did the same song and dance of the "dream donation" which is $97 or as the guy on the phone said: "A week's worth of groceries." Then he goes and asks for the $10 I donated last time. I told him I donated a lot of money to other charities which is true.
Also throw in the fact, that I had given a substantial amount of money to somebody that I won't get back. At least it helped his rent. I did tell them that I'll tell my friends about it. So go donate to them if you want.

H1N1: It's weird. Back in May, my sister was traveling and she said she was scared of it. Now it's November, and now I'm feeling the fear. I can't get the shot because all the clinics are closed, and when it does come back it's for pregnant women, children are under 5, people with chronic health conditions. 400,000 people did get the shot.
Job tips: I read this in 24: "Do not bring your friends or parents (yes, this actually happened) to sit in the lobby while you are having your interview because you have plans afterwards." That is so bad. That reminds me of the old TV show Street Cents where it said don't bring your family or friends to cheer you on during the interview.
Do not exaggerate on your resume that says you're "the sole proprieter of a landscaping company" when you mowed your neighbor's grass.
When asked why you want this job, don't say: "because it's good company."
Don't say you like your past job because it wasn't too much work.

Nov. 3 Happy: I was thinking about Degrassi: The Next Generation where Anya was talking to Holly J.

Anya: You can never be happy, can you? You're student president, you're a local hero, and you got a guy and you're still not happy.

Well it's something to think about.

Rant: Here's a mild rant. I was thinking about Kanye West at the MTV Music Video Awards about how Beyonce should have won, and not Taylor Swift. This is from 1999, but I still want to say it.

It was for the same award show, but the category was best dance choreography. Ricky Martin won for "Livin' La Vida Loca." The dancing was good for the video with the energy. Ricky wasn't doing the same dance moves as his dancers were. RM was 28 at the time now that I checked

Who should have won was old New Kids on the Block member Jordan Knight's video "Give it to You." I loved the dancing to it because it was so creative, and to the beat. I was really impressed with it. JK also did the same choreography as his 20- something year old back dancers were doing. JK was like 30. I had to check to make sure.

Well check out the videos and go compare it.

Teen pregnancy: Here's my favorite topic again. It's interesting when I asked Ray this question: "Which is worse? The teen girls who want to get pregnant on Maury or the ones on Tyra?"

Ray: The ones on Tyra are good because they actually get to the issue, and stop them from getting pregnant.

I have deliberated a long time on it. The girls on Maury are misbehaved, but at least they're smart enough to know that they're going to live on welfare. The girls on Tyra are well- behaved, but they aren't smart enough to live on welfare. I'll give it to Tyra, because she can prevent these teen girls from getting pregnant. It could be as simple as a girl watching herself on the show and realizing how stupid she sounded.

Writer's block: I've been reading the newspaper, and doing other forms of writing like email. It's kind of funny, I was watching The Mentalist and they did an episode that reminded me of something I wrote way back in 1997. In the ep, the CBI team have to figure out who murdered this person or is it a ghost. It occurred in an old mansion.

I wrote a TV show about a family moving into this old mansion. The show was called The Ransom Mansion. It was a mystery about finding a treasure in it, kind of like The Mentalist ep. However, I never really developed the story.

I haven't had these kind of flashbacks since the summer when I was watching The Listener. In one ep, Toby and Oz have to get $100, 000 to save Oz's parent's restaurant. They decide to solve a murder mystery to win the cash reward.
Nov. 4: Wait, I know what my favorite Listener ep is. It's where they catch a rapist. It was like Law and Order: SVU.
Safety tips: I read in the Journal where they go more in depth about how this 16 year old girl was kidnapped and raped by a guy who posed as a cop. She said she watches CSI, and she tried to leave as much evidence as possible.
She went and touch everything so she could leave her fingerprints for the cops to find it. She pulled out strands from her hair and left them everywhere. She also made herself seem more human by telling the captor about all the good qualities of herself like how she was on the honour roll. Eventually after 3 days he did let her go. She called her dad and now the guy is behind bars.
News: Today I read about the Calgary Flames getting H1N1 shots and they're not the high- risk group. What's weird, is that I'm not really annoyed. Maybe because I don't care about hockey. What annoys me more is teen girls who get pregnant so they could live on welfare. That's an ongoing thing. As for this, the hockey players did this for one pandemic. It's bad, and somebody did get fired. A lot of people hate them and everybody knows about it, so it's taken care of.
Cold: In other news, I have a cold. I had gotten a sore throat at the end of the day at work. This morning, I went to work. I was coughing. I even asked the supervisor Rob for medicine.
Rob: I don't have any, and even if I did, I can't do that.
Me: Because it's illegal to give drugs to your employees?
Rob: Yes, go ask your co-workers.
I asked Mary, and she gave me a couple Tylenols.
I thought I could tough it out because it isn't like working at the restaurant where I have to move a lot. I'm sitting and calling people. However, at 12:30pm, I was allowed to go home. I took some more cough medicine like I did when I woke up at 3am this morning. Then I called the local doctor's clinic, but they were booked solid. I went and slept for a couple of hours.
Took some Cold FX. Drank some chicken noodle soup and mushroom soup. Last month I did have a cold, but I took some Chinese medicine and everything worked out in a couple of days.

My sister did say if I have a shortness of breath, that's when I go to the hospital. I didn't get the H1N1 shot yet because I have work and I'm not a high- risk group.
I'm also using the old computer, because Patrick doesn't want me using the new one because he doesn't want to catch a cold.
Good: In good news, Malatest is the only call centre that doesn't require everybody to work a weekend shift. At Ipsos, you have to work on a Fri., Sat. or Sun. At Leger, you have to work on a Sat.

Tosh.O: It was kind of weird on this show. They showed a clip where 2 Arab guys are rollerskating, and they're holding onto a car as the car is driving down the highway. That's really dangerous. I thought it was weird, because I've seen teenage boys do this on TV.
Daniel: I thought they rode on magic carpets. Send in your videos doing that same thing too. No, I'm just kidding, don't do that!

Enzo: This name seems to be popping up. I see a 6 yr old boy on The Hills have that name. I then was watching Law and Order: SVU, and a teen boy had that name. I looked it up, and Enzo is Italian, and it's short for Lorenzo.
Enzo was the name of a character on the old kids TV show Reboot.

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