Sunday, May 19, 2019

Post Secret (Part 1)/ Celebrities protest the State of Georgia abortion law

This is from 2015.  There are some parts about mental health and suicide.  I'm forewarning you.

This will be the last sad blogpost for awhile.  I'm going to post more positive and neutral topics.

Jul. 19 Post Secret: "I got fired from my dream job - and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time."

"Thank you for adopting me."

"I had sex tonight for the first time in 4 yrs. 
It's not as big of a deal as I remember it being."

A bunch of school pictures: "My biggest regret is not keeping in touch."

Jul. 26:

"I was sexually abused by a school employee at age 13.  The school did nothing, so I spent high school flirting with and distracting him to keep him away from other girls.  I worried about what would happen after I graduated, so I sweetly talked him into retiring and 'leaving together.'

It was terrifying, but imagining all those girls I protected makes me feel strong, powerful, amazing!

I did my duty to protect my school.  I won in the end."

My opinion: Did you tell your parents?  A counselor?  Or the police?  I thought there were
other solutions.  But for a teenager to do this is good.

"You have no idea how you've altered my life's direction."

"I've secretly been locking our church doors during worship.
I'm afraid someone will get in and hurt us.
I'm ashamed of my fear."

"I'm an egg donor to atone for an abortion."

My opinion: She should get counseling.

"My abortion has put me more in touch with my womanhood.  And has actually kindled my
desire to be a mother."

"I think something is wrong with me because I was raped and it didn't ruin or even change my life."

My opinion: She should get counseling.  She seems resilient.  She should still talk to someone who is a professional.

Aug. 9:

"I hitchhiked 12.000 km
I walked 600 km,
I travelled 10 countries.
Just to forget you.
It worked.
This is my goodbye to you."

A picture of college brochures: "My gift is my burden."

"When you died,
My life found its Direction."

"Sometimes I am scared for you because
you are going somewhere inside to
a place I can't follow."

"I believe that people are inherently good."

A picture of autism awareness ribbon: "I am not a puzzle!  I don't want to be cured!"

Aug. 16:

An email to Frank:

My best friend’s favorite books were the PostSecret books. The first time she left her abusive boyfriend she left all her clothes to fit the books in her backpack instead. She wouldn’t come home without them. I’ll never forget the impact they had on her. She passed almost 4 years ago and every time a Facebook post from PostSecret comes up I think about her first home coming and those books.

Another email to Frank:

About seven years ago, I was scrolling through the site and saw a postcard that hit me hard. I believe it said: “I danced with two men at my wedding- the man I married, and the man I wished I had married instead.” In this postcard I saw my future. I saw myself marrying my current manipulative, abusive partner, and saw the other man- my best friend, who I don’t even think I realized I was in love with until that minute. This postcard was the catalyst for a great number of positive changes in my life. It gave me the courage to leave my abusive partner and to come clean to my best friend about my feelings. I am the luckiest person in the universe, and he felt the same way.

I’m writing this email now because last week, I got married to my best friend. I danced with him at my wedding with no regrets, and with so much joy and excitement for our future. I’d like to think that things would have turned out this way regardless, but I honestly don’t know what would have happened if I didn’t see that postcard.

Here is a video on Post Secret: It is very touching and he cried.

Stan Beaton hears late wife's voicemail 14 years after her death:

Aug. 30:

"I don't believe in God.
When I was 19 my mom was on her death bed and asked me to pray for her
I told her I couldn't because I would be lying
Now she's gone forever, and I feel like I failed her as a daughter

My opinion: Get counseling.  I'm sure the counselor may say something helpful. 

"I am a paralegal.
At night, I meet and help low income people fill out
legal paper work for free, in the law office I work in.

The law firm owner thinks I am coming
in at night to file and clean, for free.

And justice for all."

"I'm going to college for the first
time at the age of 56.  Everyone
thinks I'm intelligent, but I feel
stupid inside.  I'm so afraid I'll fail.
What made me think I could do this?"

Sept. 6:

"Days ago my best friend wrote me a note.
It said:

Smile.  Please.
You are loved.
I know it's been a long day.
But stay strong.
You deserve to be happy.
It'll happen.
Smile, you're beautiful.
Love you.

I cried when I read it.  I cried because earlier
that day I had planned to kill myself later
that night.  My friend is keeping me alive."

"I regret failing out of college 10
years ago.  The parties really
were not worth it."

My opinion: Interesting how Frank Warren put this on Labor Day weekend before school starts.

I have to say I didn't graduate out of NAIT's Graphic Communications program, not because of partying.  I wasn't really good at or interested in it.  It was like a moderate interest in graphic design where I can be creative and practical.

I graduated with a 2 yr diploma in Professional Writing because I was really good and interested in it.

Sept. 13:

Dear Frank,

I’m writing you to tell you about the “circle of life” effect PostSecret has had on my life.

Starting when I was 16 I would visit PostSecret every week to find solace in the world that other people were struggling with the same issues as me.

At 18, I was in a very dark place in my life, I decided to make 3 secrets, all different ones I’ve feared. After I mailed them to you I watched every week and checked all the books but didn’t see them. I forgot about them too. Three years later I met you at a PostSecret Live! Event and you told me “The World Needs To Hear Your Voice”.

Now, three years later – still obsessed with PostSecret, I found out about your Smithsonian exhibit in Washington and had to go. My boyfriend and I ventured in overwhelmed by the 7 – foot high pile of postcards. I was joyfully explaining to him what PostSecret is and how it had helped me. I diligently was reading each postcard one by one when he pointed one out to me and said “that’s one of the most creative ones here”. As I stopped to agree with him – I began to think how familiar the handwriting was – wait a second, it was MY hand writing! All of sudden the night at the kitchen table over 5 years ago when I sat crying and making the postcards came back to me. MY postcard was displayed right there-for the world to see! It all made sense as I stood in shock, you-Frank, had let the world hear my voice.

The most joyful part of it all was reading the postcard was like seeing a friend who had passed away. If you would have explained the circumstances of which I’d see the postcard again to that 18yr old girl [being in love, having an amazing career, well traveled, college educated,etc.] she would have laughed through her sadness as a complete impossibility. But alas, so many amazing things have happened in that time frame and it gave me renewed hope in myself – the bad times WILL pass. I hope the world continues to hear my voice while the postcard is on display, and furthermore I hope it impacts even one person to know that sadness isn’t forever. Happiness is within your grasp.

Thank you Frank-for helping this full circle come to life.

Last year, in April, I had a really bad… Month. Nothing had went right, and I was just ready to end it all. I couldn’t do it anymore. I had written all of the notes I thought I needed, and I was “saying goodbye”. No one seemed to notice.
I had a night class that lasted until 9:40 p.m. on a Thursday with my favorite professor. That night, I shared with him how much he meant to me and basically was saying goodbye while I had tears in my eyes. He noticed something was wrong and suggested going to counseling. He kept saying “take care, okay?” and until I said I would , he didn’t let me leave. That’s what kept me from killing myself that night, and I don’t think he knows that he saved my life.
One professor noticed my distress, and because of that I’m still alive.

My week:

May 14, 2019 "Woman arrested after toddler calls 911, reports he and 6 others left alone in a hot car": 

A mother has been arrested after a young child called 911 to report he and six other kids had been left alone in a hot car, according to authorities.
The call came in to dispatchers in Charles County, Maryland around 1 p.m. on Friday, the sheriff's office said in a press release. The child didn’t know where they were, but the operator was able to pinpoint the location of the vehicle to the St. Charles Towne Center, according to the statement.
Officers found seven children between the ages of 2 and 4 in the vehicle with the windows rolled up and the car not running. Shortly after the children were removed from the car and treated at the scene, the driver arrived.
According to the sheriff's office, the unnamed 37-year-old woman had been shopping inside the mall for at least 20 minutes.
"It is against the law to leave a child under the age of 8 unattended inside a motor vehicle if the caregiver is out of sight of the child unless a reliable person at least 13-years-old remains with the child," the sheriff's office said.
"It is also dangerous to leave anyone, including pets, inside a motor vehicle especially as outside temperatures become warmer. The temperature inside a parked car can quickly rise to extremely high and even fatal levels in a short period of time."
The woman is the mother of two of the children and was babysitting the others, according to the sheriff’s office. She was arrested and charged with confinement of children inside a motor vehicle, but may face additional charges
The penalty for leaving children unattended is as much as $500 in fines, 30 days in jail, or both, according to Maryland state law.

Cars transform into ovens when direct sunlight heats objects inside. Temperatures can soar to 120 or 130 degrees even when the outdoor temperature is only in the 80s. The body's natural cooling methods, such as sweating, begin to shut down once the core body temperature reaches 104 degrees. Death can occur at 107 degrees.

On average, 38 children die while trapped in hot vehicles every year, according to Jan Null, an adjunct professor of meteorology at San Jose State University. Last year, a record 52 children died.

My opinion: This kid is smart.  I hope all of you never leave your kids in a hot car.  Take them with you.

"New York City pizzeria waiter returns half-million dollar cashier’s check to customer who failed to tip him":

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie - that's karma.
A Manhattan woman who almost bankrupted herself when she left a $424,000 (C$567,000) cashier's check at Patsy's Pizzeria over the weekend was saved from ruin by an unlikely source - the waiter she'd stiffed at lunch.
Instead of 20% of the bill, a folded up envelope was the only thing left on a table at the East Harlem institution on Saturday when waiter Armando Markaj went to clean it off.
Yet the tipless waiter, a medical student working his way through school, had nothing but kind words and smiles for a flustered and grateful Karen Vinacour when the Daily News reunited the two at the famous pizzeria on 117th St. so she could pick up her check.
"I'm happy for her, really. Saturdays are pretty busy and I was very close to taking everything left on the table and throwing it out when I saw an envelope," Markaj, 27, told The News. "I just pulled up the flap and I saw 'Citibank' and thought it was important, so I ran out to the street to look for her, but she was gone."
Markaj got the shock of his life when he fully opened the envelope and pulled out the fat bank check.
"Normally we just put things left behind in the lost and found box in the back," he said. "But I wasn't going to do that with almost half a million dollars."
He got owner Frank Brija, 63, and put the cashier's check in the proprietor's hands.
"We thought for sure it was a billionaire or something who came in here, because who walks around with a check like that?" said Brija.
As it turns out, Vinacour, 79, is anything but financially flush.
The retired social worker stopped by Patsy's on Saturday for lunch with her daughter after looking at a condo she hoped to buy, and the cashier's check - mostly proceeds from the apartment she recently sold - was her down payment for the new home.
"We'd pulled out my papers to go through the all the financials again," Vinacour told The News. "I had no idea we left it behind."
It wasn't until Sunday night that Vinacour went to the zippered inner compartment of her purse and discovered it empty. But still, she didn't panic.
"I figured it's a cashier's check, I'll just go to the bank and ask them to stop it," she said.
Bright and early Monday, she showed up at her Citibank branch in Chelsea.
"They said they couldn't immediately cancel it because it was a cashier's check. I would have to wait at least three months before they could even start the process," she said.
"My world just collapsed."
As for Markaj, he graciously accepted Vinacour's apology and her gratitude - but declined a belated tip.
He did admit that he did spare a moment on Saturday to wonder who would have nearly half a million dollars and decline to leave a few bucks for the waiter.
"I guess I figured that it was just karma for them," he said.
Vinacour, who can now celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday in peace, chuckled at that.
"I believe in karma too," she said. "I guess that's what helped get me back to you."

 "Lisa Prins honored by U of A": 

Some university programs try to get students out of the academy and into the world.

But Lisa Prins wants to make sure they make it to class, and she carries a book of bus tickets to make sure they can.

For eight years, Prins has co-ordinated Humanities 101, a University of Alberta program that offers free, non-credit university courses for people who would otherwise have trouble getting a higher education.
“People want to be there,” she said. “They want to be in that space because they have a passion for learning, they’ve always been lifelong learners, and there are things in their life that have either not encouraged it, not supported it, or things that have prevented it.”
At City Hall on Monday afternoon, the U of A honoured Prins with a community connections leadership award for her work in the program.

During fall and winter terms, the courses are usually offered at night, with classrooms all over town, including the university campus.

Job interviews: Yesterday I went to an interview in the afternoon.  They were hiring for the summer.

Today I went to a job fair.  The ad was to bring my resume because they're hiring for a new location.  I woke up early and took an hr bus ride to get there.  I was reading the newspaper.  The boss said they were getting resumes and will call you for an interview.

I found this receipt on the floor for this store.  It said they were hiring so I went to the website.  They are hiring for a store manager. 

Celebrities protest the State of Georgia abortion law:

Jameela Jamil had an abortion:

Jameela Jamil has shared the story of her abortion in protest against new laws in the US state of Georgia, which will make it illegal for women to have one once a heartbeat has been detected in the womb – usually from around six weeks.

The 33-year-old British actor tweeted on Monday night, describing the termination of her pregnancy as the “best decision” for herself and the baby.

4 hours ago

Abortion would be a non-issue IF people believed in and practised birth control. With the proliferation of birth control methods, unwanted pregnancies are a thing of the past. When young people are taught how pregnancy happens, they should also be taught how to avoid it, AND have access to effective birth control without judgment.

5 minutes ago

People can have a planned pregnancy they want very much and find out there is something wrong with the child, like they would have Down's Syndrome or some other genetic problem. I would never fault a person for sparing that child a lifetime of difficulty or pain, multiple surgeries, etc. There are all kinds of issues that testing can reveal that would cause one to seek a termination in a wanted, planned pregnancy. Not everyone seeking an abortion was just too lazy to use birth control.

  • 3 hours ago
    Lol birth control isnt 100%
  • P_D
    4 hours ago
    Because birth control never fails. The ONLY 100% method of birth control is abstinence. Also, these states are already limiting women's access to birth control, so while young people might know how to use it, but cannot get it.

Busy Phillips had an abortion at 15:

“I know that people feel very strongly about abortion, but let me just say this: Women and their doctors are in the best position to make informed decisions about what is best for them. Nobody else. Nobody.” 

1min and 30 sec in the audience cheers at that part.

My opinion: I'm indifferent with this actress.  However, I watched the video and it seemed really heartfelt and emotional.  She had an abortion so she can speak on behalf of the women. 

Alyssa Milano protest:

Whoopi Goldberg:

“People don’t remember that one of the reasons it became legal is so it could be done cleanly and you could go some place that wasn’t a back alley,” she said. “Women were being found in bathrooms, women were being found in apartments that had been abandoned. When a woman decides that she cannot do this, she does what she needs to do,” she continued.

Goldberg didn’t stop there, adding “she drank Drano, she drank Tide with tea and coffee, all kinds of stuff, throw themselves down stairs. In order to stem that they made this legal so that you could go to someplace where you didn’t have that outcome,” said the co-host.

May 15, 2019: I went to a job interview at a fast food place this morning.  I went home and watched the season 1 finale of FBI.  That's a good show.  I ate lunch and then washed the dishes. 

I then went to another interview at a clothing store.  It was like a job fair to pass your resume and chat a bit with the boss.

Death Café Edmonton Meetup: I heard about this Meetup when I was emailed about it.  I wasn't going to go to it because it seemed sad and low vibes.  Then I read about it in the Metro.  There was a meetup yesterday, but I had attended 2 interviews already and was tired.  There will be another one in 2 weeks.

May 17, 2019 Feelings: From May 5-11, 2019, I was feeling really down.

On May 12, 2019 to present, my mood has improved.

I saw this on Oprah, but she didn't say this: "Time doesn't heal wounds, it's what you do with that time that matters."

Cleaner job search: In 2018, my sister S told me that I should apply to housekeeping.

In 2018, my friend Cham told me to apply to housekeeping in Fort MacMurray.

Yesterday I was talking to someone, and he told me to go into housekeeping.

My opinion: I didn't go into housekeeping at first because I was focused on restaurants, call centres, retail, administrative assistant jobs in medical and regular offices.  That's a wide net.  I wasn't really interested in a cleaning job that's all about cleaning.

I work at restaurants and there is some cleaning like wiping, setting tables, sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, etc.  Then there is the serving the customers part.  However, I will widen my net even more.

It did lead me to this company I haven't applied to in a long time so I started applying to those positions.

May 18, 2019: I got a few call backs from the cleaners.

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