Friday, September 10, 2021

"Home remedies, crystallized"/ "The woo-woo way to beat your hot flashes"

Here are 2 articles about crystals.  This is New Age, but in the 2nd article, there is some science behind this:
"In fact, it’s this highly stable and accurate oscillating vibration that makes crystals an invaluable component in modern technology. From mobile phones and hair straighteners to lasers and satellites — they all rely on crystal tech to make them work."

Jan. 14, 2019 "Home remedies, crystallized": I was reading this article by Jamie Portman in the Edmonton Journal:

Aug. 18, 2021: I found the article:

Peacock ore is a crystal that will boost your self-confidence.

Pure white celestite will calm anxiety.

A moonstone can assist fertility. And if you’re trying to get over your ex, try snuggling up to a hunk of rosy pink kunzite.

Tamara Driessen — a.k.a. Wolf Sister — is cheerfully matter-of fact about all this. For her it only makes sense that we should seek to unlock the hidden power of gemstones and crystals.

“For some people, crystals are definitely weird,” Driessen, 34, admits with a laugh. “I think everybody is entitled to be skeptical and not believe.” But Driessen, a true believer whose popular workshops are a driving force in her success as a crystal healer and shamanic practitioner, argues the skeptics are diminishing in number as an ancient culture reasserts itself in the 21st century.

So is crystal therapy a religion or a science or something in between? “I think it’s something in between,” Driessen says. 

“Crystals are used in technology: rubies in lasers, quartz in watches. I wouldn’t say it’s a religion — crystals come from the earth. But they are spiritual in nature.”

She also notes that it’s easy to keep your favourite crystal close to you as the small-sized equivalent of a security blanket. “Crystals are more portable. You can’t carry a green park or a tree around with you!”

So Victoria Beckham always has one in her handbag. Lena Dunham wears a crystal necklace to block negativity. Katy Perry figures crystals will attract new lovers. And Gwyneth Paltrow advocates putting one in an unmentionable place.

Driessen herself admits that she sometimes conceals a small crystal in her bra. Indeed, bras are a frequent repository for crystals these days. “And some are big ones,” Driessen giggles.

 “There was one workshop where a woman pulled a large crystal out of her bra saying she wanted it to be big enough not to fall out!”

Driessen explores and embraces this resurgent culture in a new book, The Crystal Code: A Modern Guide To Crystal Healing, published in Canada by Penguin. She sees it as a user’s manual, its centre piece a guide to the unique powers of 70 different crystals, each beautifully photographed.

She proceeds from the premise that these stones represent cosmic technology, capable of absorbing and transmitting energy. And she offers reams of advice — how to pick one, how to keep them clean to ensure “the purest connection possible” and how to “program” them for the greatest personal benefit to the user.

Driessen had an intuitive attachment to crystals even as a child. She will always remember the day she visited London’s Natural History Museum and took home her first crystal — a pink quartz specimen.

“There are some things you often don’t remember, but I remember this,” she says. “It feels like it was yesterday, and after I bought it, it was at my side everywhere I went.”

But it wasn’t until she was a teenager that she started wondering whether crystals might exert a life-changing power. “I used to hang out at the local witches shop on weekends, and I carried a tiger’s eye for confidence.”

She saved up to buy a garnet ring after reading that garnet attracted love. And that worked at least temporarily when she found a boyfriend. As a teenager she was still “dipping in and out” of the crystal culture. “But when I was in my 20s and experiencing a lot of anxiety and depression, I had therapy with somebody who produced a lot of crystals. That brought me back into the game.”

She began studying various crystals, “choosing which ones would support me in what I was going through at the time and keeping them close by.” She discovered that her anxiety was helped by three stones in particular — amethyst, celestite and black tourmaline.

 “And then came this shift in energy and a feeling that things were changing and opening up in my life.”

When she was 29, she went to Bali to apprentice with a shaman and learn about various healing practices and how to connect with “the spirit and energies of different elements of nature.” That’s when she learned how to meditate with crystals “rather than just leaving them to roll around in the bottom of my handbag.”

The unhappiness and anxieties of her 20s were receding. She returned to England, and friends began seeking healing sessions with her. Word of mouth about Driessen began to spread. To her astonishment, people started following her on Instagram. Today, her crystal workshops sell out regularly.

She returned from Bali with the shamanic name of Wolf Sister. “It’s my business name, my screen name on social media — also a kind of alter ego,” she explains. And as Wolf Sister, her dedication to mystic wisdom extends far beyond crystal healing workshops.

 She contributes to the New Age magazine The Numinous, teaches supernatural potion-making classes at London’s flagship Topshop store, is a resident teacher at the She’s Lost Control lifestyle store in Hackney and leads moonlight meditations in Croatia.

Driessen’s book is coming out at a time when there has been an upsurge of interest in crystal culture on both sides of the Atlantic. Crystals now show up in homewares, bath salts, jewelry and wardrobe accessories. And shops are springing up everywhere.

“I really think it’s because of the digital age,” Driessen says. “The internet and social media make all this much more accessible. When I was a teenager, I was limited to a few local shops and what they had or maybe a visit to Camden Market. Now, on the internet, you have access to so many crystals worldwide. And so many people are talking about them online.”

She has some basic advice for the novice crystal buyer: Trust your intuition. “A specific crystal will set off a specific vibe for a specific person,” she emphasizes. - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions
Here are the 2 comments on this article, and both are negative:
  1. Ole'Curmudgeon

    A lump of gold will cure virtually any problem. Saves having to have a different rock with which to bang your head depending on the mental issue de jour that you may have. Cosmic technology... give me a freakin' break. Program a crystal? Damn I want some of what she is smoking!

    More Options
  2. HummingbirdsHummingbirds

    This is nothing but garbabe/horse crap that stupid idiots will fall for!

I found this instead:

Nov. 4, 2018 "The woo-woo way to beat your hot flashes": I found this article by Tamara
Driessen in the Daily Mail:

This was the year the healing crystal threw off all its hippy-dippy overtones and emerged as the fastest-growing wellness trend around.
Actresses Uma Thurman and Kate Hudson and singers Madonna and Adele all swear by their confidence-boosting, calming and healing powers, while Victoria Beckham, a true evangelist, unveiled a wide-leg trouser with a hidden pocket specially designed to carry a healing crystal. 
Pop star Katy Perry, meanwhile, talked of using glittery quartz to boost her love life (and bagged Hollywood star Orlando Bloom!).
Of course, it’s not a new concept. Ancient civilizations were built around the power of crystals.
 Cleopatra was said to wear crushed lapis lazuli as eyeshadow, in a bid to publicly promote her spirituality. 
And to the ancient Greeks, amethyst was a stone of sobriety, used to prevent drunkenness and addictions.
My affinity with the realm of crystals dates back to childhood. As a teenager, I took to hiding a piece of tiger’s eye in my bra in order to boost my resilience against school bullies.
In my 20s, amethyst and citrine were my allies in overcoming anxiety, depression and a long-term eating disorder.
I’ve spent years studying crystals and am now a crystal healer and reiki master.
I’m convinced crystals help calm my overactive mind, increase my stamina and vitality and even help balance troublesome hormones. And they can do the same for you, too . . .
All crystals begin life deep within the Earth. The heat and pressure of tectonic plates crashing together causes stress fractures and faults, which force molten rock to rise closer to the Earth’s surface, where it cools and crystallises.
At first glance, most crystals are defined by their colour or shape, the amount of light that shines through them or, if they’re opaque, how much light they absorb. But many believe a crystal’s true power is determined by where it was formed, its chemical composition and the processes of its creation.
As each crystal journeys to the surface of the Earth, it absorbs elements of air, water, fire and earth in different proportions

Crystals associated with fire are thought to inspire action and passion; 

those created through water might help encourage you to access your subconscious and intuition;

 air-based crystals are believed to help bring clarity and enhance communication; 

and earth stones will guide you to feel more grounded and supported.

Even though we can’t see it, crystals vibrate — and their vibrations can influence what we see and hear and how we feel.
In fact, it’s this highly stable and accurate oscillating vibration that makes crystals an invaluable component in modern technology. From mobile phones and hair straighteners to lasers and satellites — they all rely on crystal tech to make them work.
Here, then, is a guide to how crystals can help you. But remember — the key to unlocking the power of crystals is to use them consciously and consistently.
Carnelian is a stone of action. It is energizing and stimulating, like your morning cup of coffee, but in crystal form. Its fiery personality is believed to increase stamina and vitality and to help balance hormones. Keep one with you to combat hot flushes from the menopause, or make a menopause elixir (see right), using carnelian instead of quartz.
You can also try holding a pebble-like piece of deep-blue sodalite in your pocket. Also thought to alleviate physical symptoms of menopause, its calming energy will quieten your mind and help you concentrate.
Other crystals to regulate errant hormones include mystical labradorite, nurturing larimar, and selenite, whose name comes from the Greek selene, meaning ‘moon’, perhaps because it looks like it’s made of icy, frozen moonbeams.
A few mindfully placed crystals in your bedroom can infuse it with calming energies that will help ease the stresses of your day and press ‘pause’ on everything that can wait until the next day.
 Selenite is again an ideal crystal to keep in your bedroom because it gently harmonizes the energy of the space and creates a relaxing atmosphere. If you’re struggling to sleep at night, keep a piece of lepidolite under your pillow or beside your bed. Its soothing energy will help you feel grounded and slow down your overactive mind, so that you can drift into a night of sweet dreams.
Other crystals that support sleep are moonstone, amethyst, black tourmaline and celestite.
Keep two pieces of rose quartz together by your bed to attract harmonious relationships. You can try this with cobalto calcite or kunzite, too.
Want some more passion? Place a piece of garnet, orange calcite or ruby at each corner of the bed. These fiery crystals may ignite the spark you’ve been missing.
The kitchen may seem like an unusual place to keep crystals, but they can have a positive influence on what we choose to consume. Tiger’s eye and amethyst are a dynamic duo when it comes to cultivating new habits or overcoming temptation, especially when you’re detoxing or tackling a sugar addiction.
On days when procrastination dominates or you’re surrounded by distractions, call on your crystals to help bring focus. Pyrite, rutilated quartz, red jasper, labradorite and carnelian can offer a much-needed, grounding energy to help you tune into what really needs to be done and increase productivity.
If you’re spending a lot of time on your phone, laptop or computer, keep galena, black tourmaline, smoky quartz or malachite close by to absorb any electromagnetic pollution or radiation the devices emit.
Electrical equipment creates positive ions, which may cause you to feel overwhelmed, lethargic, anxious or stressed, but black tourmaline is great at neutralizing ions and helping you find your way back to the flow.
If teamwork and co-operation are crucial, then a clear quartz cluster or spirit quartz could encourage a united force with colleagues, while septarian may boost your ability to collaborate successfully with others.
Transform your bathroom into a soothing oasis by using crystals to enhance ambience. Rose quartz, the famous ‘love stone’, acts as a great reminder of the importance of self-care and self-love. It is famous for its nurturing personality and encourages us to be kind to ourselves and others and less critical of what we see in the mirror.
  • Peacock ore will invoke more confidence if you’re going on a date.
  • Citrine will cheer you on as you pluck up the courage to ask for a pay rise.
  • Black tourmaline will protect you from draining work politics.
  • Celestite will help to calm your feelings of anxiety.
  • Moonstone soothes imbalances in hormones.
  • Kunzite can help you get over your former partner.
  • Rose quartz holds your hand as you nurture a more loving relationship with yourself.
There’s no right or wrong way to choose a crystal — whatever your emotional state, the right crystal will choose you.
Don’t just opt for the prettiest or the most expensive.
The most important issue is that you feel a connection. That way, you can be sure you are being drawn to a crystal that resonates with your current situation and your aspirations.
Pick out the one that stops you in your tracks and which gives you a sense of calm or familiarity.
With crystals, bigger does not necessarily mean better. Large crystals might be great for giving off positive vibes in your home or workspace, but smaller ones are ideal for when you are travelling, for wearing as jewellery and to enhance meditation.
True crystal believers regularly leave their crystals on a windowsill or in the garden overnight to reset and recharge in the moonlight. Each new phase of the moon brings out different powers.
  • New moon: For new beginnings and ventures.
  • Waxing moon: To boost hope, inspiration and optimism.
  • Full moon: A time of abundance and celebration.
  • Waning moon: For supportive protection, detoxing and letting go of old relationships, habits and attachments.
This quick fix, on-the-go crystal spray will neutralize any stagnant or unwanted energy.
Place a piece of clear quartz or citrine in a glass jug or jar and fill it with spring or filtered water.
Let it bathe in sunlight or moonlight for 12 hours (ideally under a full moon).
Then, fill a glass bottle three-quarters with the crystal-infused water and add 15 to 20 drops of essential oils (such as sage, rosemary and palma rosa). Shake to disperse the oils in the water.
Fill the rest of the bottle with witch hazel and shake again to mix.
Always shake the bottle before use, then hold the bottle at least 6 in away and lightly mist your crystals or meditation area to freshen up the vibes.
If you practice mindfulness, crystals can be used to amplify your relaxation. Specific crystals can support your focus.
Try clear quartz, amethyst, celestite, apophyllite, danburite, selenite, opal, hypersthene, angel aura, morganite.

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