Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Closures spell trouble for student employees"/ "Dealing with job gaps"

Feb. 14, 2016 "Closures spell trouble for student employees": I cut out this article in the Metro on Feb. 23, 2015.  It talks about how there are these stores like Target and Mexx closing down, and then it's harder for students to find jobs in retail.

Hershi Rubinoff, president of career site CPG Connect:

"Young people should be diversifying their job searches and looking to different sectors for potential opportunities."

Lauren Friese, founder of Talent Egg says:

Being resourceful, creating, and taking action.

"Being resourceful starts with being very organized and figuring out all the different types of resources that are out there to help you, whether they're in the online world or the offline world.

Bright Ideas- an online initiative aimed at crowdsourcing solutions to improve Canada's youth employment.

"Once you graduate and enter into 'the real world' you don't get those opportunities to take career sabbaticals.  You don't get those opportunities to just try something new."

"You commit to something and you're expected to stay there long-term.  And if you do jump around a lot, you're thought of as a job-hopper that's not sure of what they want to do.

If you do it while you're still in school it's a completely different impression."

My opinion: That reminds me of my late teens and early 20s where I like trying new jobs.  However, after the first yr of Professional Writing, the summer of 2007 I had a lot of jobs.  I quit a couple because I didn't like it.  Call Centre #3 dismissed me after 1 day saying that they didn't really hire me because they found someone who doesn't need as much training as I did.

Then in 2009 I got hired back at Call Centre #3.

Feb. 15, 2016 "Dealing with job gaps": I cut out this article by Joanne Richard in 24 News n Dec. 17, 2012.  It's an old article, but it's still relevant.  This on epress reader so I can't copy and paste the article and have to type it. 

Nan Russel is a career consultant to

Lots of people have job gaps for schools and family caregiving. 

Why has the gap occurred, how long it was, and how often does it happen?

3 questions:

1. What have you learned as a result of the job gap or the reason for it?

2. What have you done?

Did you enhance your current skills?

3. What are you now able to do, accomplish, or achieve that you weren't before all this happened?

Resume: Tailor your resume to reflect skills vs. chronology.

The time in the gap:

-take online classes
-take temp jobs
-stay in touch with professional contacts

My opinion: I like the resume tip the most.  It reminds me of my old resume back in 2008 when it was chronological.  Then I sent my resume to all my friends to look at.  Angela then made it look really good by grouping similar jobs like call centres together and retail together.

The old resume said it seemed kind of repetitive like this:

Call Centre #1
Call Centre #2

"New year brings new job-search opportunities": I cut out this article by Moshin Manji on Jan. 16, 2012.  He is from HRInmotion.  I can't find the article on the internet, so I will have to type it up.

Narrow your search- stop applying for jobs that you're not qualified for or don't have a real interest in.  It's great to be willing to learn, but employers don't want to train.

My opinion: Sometimes you have to apply for jobs that you are not that interested in because you just need a job.

Know exactly what you want- Make a list of things you excel at and one of the skills you like to use most.

Re-evaluate your skills- if you can not find a job that match your skills, you may have to go back to school.  There is government funding or other out-of-work programs for job seekers.

Set your goals- setting short-term, specific job search goals for the year will make you evaluate your progress.

Stand out from the competition- find the name of the hiring manager or someone in HR department and email that person directly.

Research the company and press releases.

Sell yourself- start a website to showcase your talent and skills.  Go on Linked In.

Keep current- read trade publications, industry blogs, emerging technologies.

A job search will always have its frustrations, because things don't always happen when or how we want them to happen.

Seek criticism on the job, not just praise: I cut out this article by Tim Ryan in 24 News on Jan. 7, 2013.

Look beyond your inner-circle- ask for feedback from people who aren't close to you.

Don't be satisfied with a B- you can settle for a B, or you can get an A from some constructive feedback.

Look for reaction- if your work doesn't create a positive for negative reaction, you haven't tried hard enough.  A good job will create a debate.

Education apps to put your academic career over the top: I cut out this article by Linda White in 24 News on Jan. 7, 2013:

Dragon Dictation- you speak and it instantly types up what you say.  Good for poor typists or people with physical disabilities.

GFlash- flash cards

inClass- free app.  Record audio, take text and video notes.

ihomework- organize your school work.

iSpeechTTS-  speech recognition software converts text to natural sounding voice recognition online.

iTunesU-  free education content.

Khan Academy- video library, interactive challenges and assessments.

MindMeister- businesses, academic institutions, and creative consumers who brainstorm together. it helps create a budget.

Mututo Live Tutor- connect to a real tutor in real time.  First session is free and a nominal fee per session. online learning community where anyone can learn and teach any topic.

TED talks- video podcasts with leading thinkers.

My opinion: I find this is a good and helpful article.  This is not just for college students, but anyone can use these helpful apps.

I felt kind of inspired to create an app that helps people.

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