Wednesday, July 2, 2008

fun/ news/ vacation

Jun 29 Fun: I'm going to Calgary this afternoon, and I won't be coming back until the end of the week. The other day my ex-manager Dani came into the Soup place and ordered a small bowl of chicken noodle soup. 

Then this girl who works there Stephanie came by yesterday and she asked why I got dismissed. I told her it's because the manager above Dani caught me sitting 3 times, when I know for sure she caught me once. Stephanie said that was a stupid reason to get dismissed.

News: I read in the Journal today that there is this guy who teaches how to drive, and also is trying to recruit the women he teaches to work at his massage parlour. Those 2 parlours he owns are suspected of fronts for prostitution. There was an undercover investigation, and he is now arrested. One of parlours closed down because the landlord wanted to close it down. Also the lease was up. Then the other parlour was closed down too, I think it was because he was arrested. That's great news, getting rid of sleazy people and places.

Jul 1 Vacation: I am back from my vacation in Calgary. I spent 2 nights there from Jun 29-Jul 1. When I got there, we went out to dinner at a Chinese Restaurant and I see that my little cousin M has grown, she's two and half years old. Afterwards we went to my cousins' Je, L's and D's house. Well Je and L have moved into their own house. D and her husband R and their daughter M moved back with their parents because they are renovating their own house.

I also met their rabbit Murphy which they had for 10yrs. After playing with it, I had a bad allergic reaction either to the rabbit or the grass. I got hives on my left hand and arm. My nose was running, my eyes were red, and I was using kleenex to wipe them, but I was touching my face. There were hives then on my face. I got some pill from them to fix it.

I also tried out the game "Rockband" where I play drums to the song. It was hard, so I'll need more practice. I was holding the drum sticks and hitting the drums hard, so it kind of hurt my hand. I should wear gloves next time.

Posh: Last summer I applied to Posh at Home, a store that sells furnishes 11235 Jasper Ave. They never called back. I picked up their business card and I finally checked the website. It's so flashy and sleek. Really good. Check out the site and store if you want.

Good: I found this on and I find it inspiring. The secret is:

"To: The Chinese man who didn't speak English. Thank you for getting help for me when I had a seizure. I was taken away in an ambulance and didn't get a chance to thank you. Thank you."

Jul 2 Drive: The first time I took the learner's permit test, I have only been reading the driver's handbook casually for the past 2 summers without really studying it and processing it. Then this summer I studied it for 2 weeks and then I went out and did it just so I can face the fear. I then got halfway through it by getting 9/15 questions right and they logged me out.

I then studied for nearly 2 months on it and studied it really hard, everyday. I read chapters 2-6 and processed it. Today I went and did it. I asked her if I could write it on paper and pencil, she said no. Then I asked if I could get scrap paper and write down my answers and then put it on the test, she said no. I then went and did it. I went through all the questions. I got 22 right, and 6 wrong, so I didn't get the learner's permit. You guys gotta give me points that I did way better the 2nd time.

Also I answered most of the questions, because I knew the answer. I wasn't like guessing at everything.

Clean: Yesterday I recycled the Manpower safety booklets and everything from them. Who cares if I did crappy on their employee tests when they are going to take money out of my paycheck anyway? Good thing I cut ties with them. Another thing is, it's a good thing back in 2007, I didn't get the required mark to get the job for StatsCanada. That's because the staffing agency Spherion hooked me up with it, and then they were going to take money out of my paycheck too. I also recycled the Posh business card.

You know what Feng shui is? It's this Chinese practice of placing furniture and things in your room to get good energy flow into your life. So with me getting rid of bad staffing agency things, I am getting good energy.

Friends: Last week my friend Jessica visited me at work which was cool. No one else does. Yeah, I know you're all busy and unless you have a reason to come in, then you will. Same goes with me and Grand and Toy. I don't really go there to visit Lorraine and Kim much unless I'm there to buy something.

I also talked to my friend Angela on the phone today and discussed resumes. Looks like I may delete Grand and Toy from my resume because I only worked there one month. I remember a couple of years ago Leslie told me I should delete that because it was such a short time.

Prince William: One more thing, Prince William helped do a major drug bust on a boat. Good for him.

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