Friday, May 17, 2024

"Return to the office full-time? Survey finds most say 'no thanks'"/ "Posthaste: Most Canadian office workers just want to stay home"

Mar. 10, 2022 "Return to the office full-time? Survey finds most say 'no thanks'": Today I found this article by Michelle Zadikian on BNN Bloomberg news:

As Canada begins to emerge from the pandemic roughly two years after its onset, a new survey shows many employees who began working remotely during lockdowns don’t want to come back to the office full-time.

Fifty-seven per cent of Canadian office workers said they would prefer a hybrid model, where they split their time between working from home and being in the office, rather than go back to their workplace full-time, according to an Amazon Business report that was released Thursday. The survey was conducted by Angus Reid for Amazon Business and polled 1,595 Canadian office workers from Dec. 12-16.

Forty-three per cent of respondents said they would likely look for another job if their employer forced them to return to the office on a full-time basis.

“It’s clear that the role that the physical office plays in the day-to-day work and satisfaction of employees has changed dramatically during the pandemic,” Nick Georgijev, country manager for Amazon Business Canada, said in a release Thursday.

If employers want workers to return in-office five days a week, they might need to sweeten the pot. The report found respondents said they would be more willing to come back to the office full-time if they were offered incentives such as a pay increase, more flexible work hours, more vacation days, and better benefits.

Only 12 per cent of those polled said they preferred to return to the office full-time.

The data implies that employers that are looking to attract talent could use remote work capabilities to their advantage.

Flexible work hours and working remotely were ranked in the top five most important factors Canadian office workers now look for in a new job, the survey found. 

These outranked other perks such as 

workplace culture, 

opportunities to grow, 

and advancement training.

Return to the office full-time? Survey finds most say 'no thanks' - BNN Bloomberg

Mar. 11, 2022 "Posthaste: Most Canadian office workers just want to stay home": Today I found this article Noella Ovid in the Financial Post:

Good morning!

Most Canadian office workers hope remote work is here to stay, a new survey by Amazon Business found.

The findings reveal that the ability to work remotely and flexible work hours are now more important to employees than workplace culture, opportunities for growth and in-office perks.

“It’s clear that the role that the physical office plays in the day-to-day work and satisfaction of employees has changed dramatically during the pandemic,” said Nick Georgijev, Amazon Business Canada’s country manager, in a press release. “We’re not going back to how things were before, and businesses need to adjust to the many operational realities that come with that.”

Half (50 per cent) of those polled said they want to continue working mostly or entirely remotely after the COVID-19 pandemic, 

while over two-in-five (43 per cent) said they are likely to look for a new job if their current employer mandated return-to-office full-time.

In comparison, one-quarter (25 per cent) said they prefer working mostly or entirely in the office 

and only one-in-eight (12 per cent) said they want to work entirely at the physical workplace moving forward.

“Canadian employers will need to consider not just how and when to bring their employees back to the office, but if they should

… and how to set that talent up for success from anywhere if they don’t return entirely,” 

said Georgijev. “Those that adapt best and quickest will have a strong advantage, particularly if they provide their teams the means to thrive while working remotely.”

Replacing workers is going to be a challenge. More than half (55 per cent) said they would be less likely to accept a job with a new employer if full-time in-office work was expected.

Nearly three-in-five (57 per cent) said they would prefer to split their time between in-office

 and remote equally (27 per cent) 

or work mostly remotely (30 per cent).

Convincing workers to change their minds could prove costly for employers. The top incentives to entice workers to return to the office full-time are salary increases, flexible work hours, more vacation, and better benefits, the survey found.

“Employers need to reconsider everything about their physical working spaces to meet the changing demands of their current and future workforce,” said Georgijev. “That includes everything from their 

real estate footprint 

to procurement 

to technology

 and supplies.”

Most big tech companies are starting to bring workers back to the office with varying degrees of flexibility.

Lyft Inc. became the latest to roll out a “fully flexible” work policy for staff, allowing employees to choose where to work and live. 

Apple Inc. set a return-to-office deadline for corporate staff where employees will be required to work in office three days a week by May 23.

Meanwhile, banks including Bank of Montreal, Deutsche Bank and Mizuho Financial Group Inc. have been busy remaking their offices for the hybrid era. 

The moves give them an opportunity to revamp their spaces for new types of work as co-working spaces take off.

Posthaste: Most Canadian office workers just want to stay home | Financial Post

There are 61 comments:

  1. with the cost of fuel who blames them

    • Provinces and the federal government were making mandate and lockdown decisions based on poll information. These people who didn't want to go to work were swaying the polls for the worse.

      This is what happens when governing is done by polls.

      These office workers/public servants/teachers never wanted to go to their place of work.

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