Friday, May 24, 2024

"Employers offering 'work from anywhere' weeks to give staff a break from return-to-office push"/ "The pandemic didn't kill the office, it was already dying"

May 26, 2023 "Employers offering 'work from anywhere' weeks to give staff a break from return-to-office push": Today I found this article by Jo Constantz on the Financial Post:

Over 42 million Americans are expected to travel this weekend for Memorial Day, kicking off what’s set to be a record-breaking summer. This year, though, pricey airfare isn’t the only obstacle for those looking for a change of scene — stricter return-to-office rules have curbed the freedom many white-collar workers enjoyed before being called back to their desks.

One solution that’s cropped up: Hybrid work schedules, but with a set amount of time allotted — usually two to four weeks — for employees to enjoy the fully remote life.

So-called “work from anywhere” (WFA) weeks are still relatively uncommon, according to Rob Sadow, chief executive officer of Scoop Technologies Inc., a firm that tracks remote work policies at over 4,000 companies. 

But recently, a handful of big-name companies have so far adopted the policy, from top financial services firms like American Express Co., Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. and tech giants like Alphabet Inc.’s Google to small startups, progressive employers like Patagonia and even the government-sponsored mortgage lender Freddie Mac.

Employees typically have the option to use their WFA weeks when it’s most convenient for them throughout the year. Some firms take a more structured approach: While the bank hasn’t made it an official policy, Citigroup Inc. last year allowed its employees to work remotely the last two weeks of August and December. Some organizations, like Freddie Mac, specify that the weeks are to be used non-consecutively.

“Anecdotally, the companies we have heard implement ‘work from anywhere’ weeks often do it at the same time as implementing increased requirements to be in the office” to reduce employee pushback, Sadow said.

These arrangements are meant to provide freedom of movement — especially around major holidays and the busy summer travel season — while maintaining broader return-to-office mandates. And in a labor market that’s remained surprisingly tight even as corporate budgets are slashed, employers see WFA weeks as a cost-effective way to attract and retain their best people.

“For workers with parents, family and friends in distant regions or distant countries, this could mean a whole month together,” said Prithwiraj Choudhury, a Harvard Business School professor who studies remote work. “I think it’s a great idea.”

For Mastercard, offering four WFA weeks emerged as a low-cost way — alongside other sweeteners like meeting-free days and flexible Fridays — for the company to differentiate itself as an employer.

“If it worked then, it works now,” said Mastercard’s chief people officer Michael Fraccaro of working remotely, sometimes from far-flung locales, during the pandemic. Fraccaro himself uses the benefit, which rolled out last year, combining two weeks of paid time off with two weeks of WFA to spend more time with his elderly parents in Australia. “It’s part of a portfolio of benefits,” Fraccaro said. Beyond financial benefits like 401(k)s, “one of the things people are looking for is time.”

Of course, the perk comes with practical considerations: 

Employees need to adjust their hours to different time zones, 

and the company is clear that individuals are responsible for understanding the tax implications that may come with working outside their home country. 

And there’s an element of trust that’s implicit in the arrangement: “You could work from Bali for four weeks,” Fraccaro said. “But we still expect you to perform.”

For companies that have struggled with the transition to hybrid from fully remote, the policy may establish clear norms and permission structures for employees, said Caitlin Duffy, a research director in the human resources practice at consulting firm Gartner Inc. 

Many white-collar workers still aren’t sure how much latitude is allowed under hybrid policies, and compliance has been sketchy at best: Over 40 per cent of HR leaders polled by Gartner said their employees aren’t meeting attendance requirements. Meanwhile, enforcement has remained lax, with few companies (or managers) willing to crack down too harshly.

Offering a set number of WFA weeks may allow companies to accommodate the desire for flexibility throughout the year without committing to a fully remote future as companies like Airbnb Inc. have. 

The demand for fully remote work has ebbed and flowed with the seasons, according to recent data from job search site Flexa. Searches for fully remote roles waned after summer ended last year, falling to an all-time low of about 25 per cent of all searches in December, but has since rebounded to nearly 60 per cent in March.

For Suzanne Rosnowski, founder and chief executive officer of public relations firm Relevance International, two WFA weeks alongside a three-day-a-week hybrid schedule emerged as a logical compromise with her team on how to transition back into the office after the pandemic. “We did kind of make it up,” she said, highlighting that the plan shows appreciation for workers and their time.

“We demonstrated work-from-home can be productive, but we also demonstrated too much work-from-home can be counterproductive, at least for our agency,” she said. “It’s accommodating of modern life.”

Jun. 21, 2023 "The pandemic didn't kill the office, it was already dying": Today I found this article by Gabriel Friedman on the Financial Post:

Many articles have been written about the death of the office building over the past few years. This week on Down to Business, Carl Gomez, chief economist and head of analytics at Costar, a commercial real estate data firm, discusses the past, present and future of the office.

Contrary to popular belief, office utilization rates — a measure of the amount of people per square foot of office space — had been dropping for the decade before the pandemic arrived in North America. 

In a real sense, the pandemic did not cause offices to empty out, 

although it did accelerate that process, Gomez said.

In a report on the matter

he calculated that office utilization rates dropped by about 1.4 per cent a year between 2009 and 2019,

but since 2020 that drop has deepened to 7.5 per cent per year.

The question is what happens next? Gomez said many employees prefer remote work because

they save time on commutes 

and may be just as productive at home, 

but management often prefers to see people in offices. 

Ultimately the extent to which remote work becomes a permanent trend may depend on whether there’s a recession and what happens in the job market.

Gomez discusses a multitude of other factors at play in this special double episode on the future of the office tower.

Technology: high speed internet, the smart phone and now AI will accelerate the death of office space. Remember phone books? Phone booths? Typewriters? Yep, it's in that league.

  1. What happened in manufacturing from 1970-2000 is happening to the service sector.

    • Comment by Hugo Smith.

      it's the under 40's generation that killed it.

      numerous spoof videos prior to the Cervasa plandemic made quite the memes about it.

      • Comment by John Deige.

        Don't forget landlords/investors are generally wealthy and in positions of authority locally, municipally, provincially and federally. They will do all they can to say offices are good, best to keep employees at bay, stay in offices people and pay leases preferably longs ones...........Many are local politicians ones ones who will sway politicians.

        • Reply by Fred Savage.

          Sing on socialist John!

      • Comment by Doc Holiday.

        AI will fix all this.

        • Reply by John Deige.

          Will we be batteries one day and it will not matter?

        • Reply by Hugo Smith.

          are we not that already? (when you think of that)

      • Comment by Peter Price.

        The pLandemic didn't kill Canada, it was already dying

      Really, how could a simple two weeks to flatten the curve cause this much problems.

      • Reply by Hugo Smith.

        because it was so safe and effective.......(lawls)

        largest mass scale Darwinian project ever pulled off.

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