Tuesday, May 6, 2014

funding/ Andrea Beca/ ABCTales

Apr. 5: I like reading the newspaper because it’s productive reading.  I learn about business news when I read the business section of the newspaper.  I also learn more about film when I read the entertainment section.

Funding: I was reading an Edmonton Journal article “Agency hands out $4.7M in film cash” on Mar. 21, 2014.  It was about Telefilm and I have heard about them before.  The article talks about how they are funding all sorts of films in genres like dramas and thrillers.

I emailed some people and now I’m looking at funding.

Alberta Film and Television Awards: I read an Edmonton Journal article “Local TV productions in a run for the Rosies” on Mar. 14, 2014.  They mentioned all these TV shows and movies shot in Alberta like Heartland, Blackstone, Tiny Plastic Men, and the movie Freezer.

It mentioned a lot of TV production companies so I looked them up too.

Aquila: I did find this production company called Aquila, but they produce non-fiction.

Andrea Beca: I was reading the Metro article “Anti-Valentine’s Day event to give people ‘Cooties’” on Feb. 11, 2014.  Metro writer Stephanie Dubois wrote the below:

What did a local woman do after one too many bad dates? She decided to share them with all of Edmonton in a mini-series.

Cooties will make its four-minute premiere at the “Dark Matters Film Festival: An Anti-Valentine’s Day Special” on Thursday, an adult-only event.

“The first episode of the mini-series is about a date gone wrong, specifically at the end of the date where a guy wants to kiss a girl. It’s pretty much a verbatim conversation of one of my dates,” said Andrea Beça, writer and director of the three-part mini series.

I found the 4min film.  It was funny and I cringed at it.  Some things in comedy you are laughing and cringing at the same time.

Toy movies: I was reading the Globe and Mail on Feb. 7, 2014.  It talked about the new Lego movie.  Dave McGinn mentions movies that are based on toys like Transformers, Battleship, and Bratz.  I totally forgot about the Bratz dolls movie.  Don’t forget GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra.
Writer’s feedback: I was reading in the Metro article “What do you have to say for myself?” by Sidneyeve Matrix on Jan. 29, 2014.  She writes for TalentEgg.ca.  She mentions these:

ABCTales: This is from the website:

“ABCtales is a place for writers to share, discuss and develop their work.

ABCtales puts writers and editors together. The one can’t thrive without the other - and what we’ve found is that there’s an editor in every writer and a writer in every editor.

We believe that there’s as much to be learned from editing as from writing, so after you put up your work on the site, have a look at someone else’s, give them your feedback and discover the editor in you. You'll learn about the bits and bolts of writing by helping others - and along the way you'll meet a community of peers who will return the favour.

From your first short poem to the final chapter of that novel you’ve been working away at, our community will be there to read your work and give you advice on how to improve. And, when the time comes, we’ll do everything we can to help spread your work to a wider audience.”
There’s an “Inspiration point” page:

“Each week we will give you a short phrase or sentence to set your literary juices flowing—it's just a jog to get you writing so feel free to let it take you where you will. If you have an idea that you think would fit in well here then please email me (luke@abctales.com).

Our inspiration this week is: Skeuemorphism

A weird one, I know. But once you start reading about it the ideas start flowing. Skeuemorphism is the process in which obsolete materials get reincorporated into modern technology - like when the sound of a camera's shutter clicking is incorporated into an iphone camera (to the great annoyance of anyone who's gone on holiday and stumbled upon a group of wild iPhotographers) or when you have to delete files on your computer by dragging them into a digital 'recycling bin' and emptying it (even though there's nothing like recycling going on). An odd one - for something more traditional, try this related phrase: A trace of the past

See where it takes you - and be sure to check the 'Inspiration Point' genre so we can all see what you do with it!”
My opinion: This is actually a pretty good website. 

Critique Circle: This website is pretty good to.  It has a blog, forums, tools like submission tracker, monthly progress, etc.  There is a section full of writer quotes to inspire you to write.

Apr. 21 Loud Mouth Communications: I remember when I was in Professional Writing in college, and I took Professional Prose class.  There was a presentation given by Ilan Colley who created her own communications company.

I remember we were all impressed by her and her work.  I have kept her business card.  Here is her website.  It’s really good and bright.  At the presentation, she told us about this:

What a Girl Wants

There is nothing better than raising money for a good cause – except for throwing a huge party to go along with it. For four years LMC created and executed the event strategy for What a Girl Wants, a fundraiser for the Lois Hole Hospital for Women. Not only was the event a massive success, bringing together girls and their friends for fabulous food, fashion and entertainment; it also raised more than $300,000 for the hospital!”

Apr. 27 Marshal Chamberlain: Ginny Grimsley sent me this article about Marshal Chamberlain’s new book.  The article is called “Elements of a Compelling Novel.”

•  The characters should speak to you. For example in Chamberlain’s Ancestor Series, a former Marine officer turned geology professor and a doctor in microbiology and computer science – a man and a woman - have personality traits many readers will relate to. They are unique and interesting — two stalwart individuals forced to confront and contend with romance, deceit, greed, violence and politics. These are problems every reader contends with in life.

•  The setting should capture the imagination. Chamberlain’s latest adventure-thriller features vivid imagery inside secret chambers within a Belizean mountain where ancient technology is uncovered. This almost mythical setting is tempered by a style Chamberlain calls “plausible reality,” which empowers readers to suspend disbelief and connect with the excitement and mystery of discovery. It helps to have a stylistic flavor; in his case, a little Indiana Jones.

•  The plot should keep readers turning the pages. The discovery of ancient technology that’s poised to have global implications, along with tensions between characters, are tandem plot elements that charge and maintain reader interest. A well-paced story, while hitting the right emotional beats, helps ensure readers stay engaged.

•  Unique themes set a work apart from the competition. Themes should emerge for readers in a process of logical discovery. Chamberlain’s series utilizes a cocktail of genre twisting, including action, adventure, and thriller aspects, peppered with paranormal, metaphysical and sci-fi. This dynamic allows him to transcend the typical themes of individual genres and create compelling and unique books.

•  Consider significance. What’s it all mean? Many writers are split two ways: one camp wants the reader to come away with a well-stated message while other writers are scattered as to intent in presenting meaningful take-away. Regardless, a good principle in creative writing as applied to characters, setting, plot, themes or significance, is to not simply tell readers, but to show them meaningful and exciting content that has the potential to trigger insight for living more fulfilling lives.


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