Sunday, September 1, 2013

autism/ race/ Jeffrey Marsalis

Aug. 19 Autism: I found this on Yahoo news.  This woman sent a hateful letter to another woman who was caring for her 13 yr old grand son.  The woman who wrote the letter says she's a mother, and that the autistic boy should be euthanized.

That letter was so mean.  There are lots of comments where people dissed the letter writer.

I clipped out this article from the Edmonton Journal way back in
Jan. 31, 2006.  It's called "Austism linked to 'systemizer' parents."  The rise in autism could be that "like-minded engineers, physicists, mathemeticians and other 'systemizers' to marry each other, according to Cambridge University professor SimonBaron- Cohen.

Autism is the impaired ability to "communicate, recognize emotions and socialize."  The systemizers are more attracted to each other than by chance due to "assortive mating."

In the "National Austistic Society, fathers and grandfathers of children with autistic spectrum conditions are twice as likely to work in a systemizing profession such as engineering."

Students in natural sciences have a high number of relatives with autism than students who take humanities.

"When the evidence is taken together it suggests a genetic cause of autism, with both parents contributing genes that relate to a similar kind of mind: ....thinking systematically."

Python attack: This was a couple of weeks ago, but it is disturbing.  Noah and Connor Barthe (5 and 7 yrs old) were killed when a python attacked them in their sleep.  When you think about death, you always think conventional ways to die like a car accident, fire, drowning, etc.  No one imagines about a python.

Lisa Robin Kelly: She was an actress on the sitcom That 70s Show.  She played Eric's sister Laurie.  I wasn't a big fan of her or the show, but it's still pretty sad.  She died in her sleep at a rehab facility.  Cause of death is not confirmed yet.  She was battling drugs and alcohol for a few years.

Let's think of the good times.  I remember seeing a promo for the show where Laurie makes an announcement.

Laurie: Hey everybody!  I married Fez so he can stay in the country!
Everybody: What?! 

Lee Thompson Young: I also found this on Yahoo.  This Disney Channel star Lee Thompson Young has committed suicide by gun shot.  I was like: "What?"  I remember him.  I saw him on that TV show called The Famous Jett Jackson and saw the episode where Britney Spears guest- starred after she got really big.  They actually show a picture below. 

He was also on that short- lived show South Beach, and the other one Flash Forward.  In the article it mentioned his character on that show committed suicide to prevent a death.  Oh yeah, I remember that episode.

Aug. 20 Race: I wrote this in "networking tips/ tough questions/ buy outs":
Harvard Business Review: This has more about the magazine, blog, books, courses, webinar, etc.  This is more interactive instead of reading business articles.  I did listen and watch this video "The 2 min. game that reveals how people perceive you."  It talks about how people who play this game are about avoiding asking about race.  If you ask about race, it will look like race matters to you, and you will look racist.

I asked my friend Sherry if I can quote her on this, and she said yes:

** Though I am no longer sure if the words 'black' or 'coloured' would be more acceptable, I can understand this. To a degree.  I say that because, seriously, either I am less prejudiced than he expects or I am somehow reversing something, because the first identifyer I thought of after sex was 'is the person caucasion'.  to my eyes, there were many colours of skin there, and no one was actually truly 'black' seeming, so caucasion
made more sense the. (though i likely would ask re: sex first) Then if they were caucasion maybe hair or eye colours. and if they were coloured? black?/ I would have started with 'is their skin the colour of dark chocolate' or 'is there skin closer to a copper tone" oor something along those lines. Maybe it's because of my own 'pale olive' skincolour, that is
yellower than most of my asian friends' skins, so go figure!

Sept. 1 Jeffrey Marsalis: I was watching 20/20 on Aug. 30, 2013.   The ep was “The Imposter” about convicted rapist Jeffrey Marsalis.  They talked to Jessica Revelle who’s a lawyer.  She was in law school when she met Jeffrey Marsalis.  Her friend set her up and said that he’s a doctor and a Navy Officer.  They hit it off.  He went missing a lot, and he says he’s a CIA officer who kills people.  He had guns, bullet proof vests, and CIA screensaver.  This sounds so unbelievable and how can anyone believe it?  Jessica said he was so believable in what he was saying.  She tried to leave him, but he threatened to kill her family member and friend.

On the 2nd date, she had a glass of wine, and she thinks she was drugged.  She felt the intercourse.  The next day she felt sick and he said how last night was amazing.  Three other women were interviewed on the show names changed to Donna, Rachel, and Natalie and are disguised to go on this show.  They wore wigs and you can see their eyes.  They went on  JM said he was accepted to NASA, and how he was so believable.  There was a picture of him in an astronaut suit.  They each said they woke up feeling sick, in his bed, naked.  After the night, he was so nice.  The women didn’t want to believe they were raped and convinced themselves it wasn’t rape.  They all think they were drugged.

Detective who was investigating says that JM was a nursing school drop out.  On JM’s computer, there was a document that says: “The Yearly Count of Women.”

Jessica cries and says: “I wish I’ve went to the police sooner.  I’m so sorry.”  Donna, Rachel, and Natalie say: “It’s not your fault.  It’s his fault.”  The prosecutor Joe Kahn, this white guy, says there was no physical evidence because there wasn’t a rape kit.  The defense lawyer for JM was a black man.  His defense was that the women continued to date JM.

They talked to two women detectives say: “Rape victims go back to rapist as a way to control the situation and convince themselves that it never happened.”  However, at that time, in Philadelphia courts, they can’t bring those expert witnesses to explain about why rape victims go back to the rapist.  JM wasn’t charged on any of the rapes because the women continued to have sex with him.

There was a 2nd trial.  Prosecutors and Special Victims police found women who go against JM.  He was convicted of 2 lesser sexual assault charges.  After Philadelphia, he went to Sun Valley resort in Idaho.  He got a job as a security guard there.  They talked to Jodie (name changed and disguised.)  She was 21 when she met him, and was introduced to him by her sister.  She tells him she’s a lesbian.  She and JM went out to a bar.

Bartender Kristin saw them and said they didn’t look like a couple.  The drink was kind of grainy.  Kristin says: “My Karma cozzi (spelling?) don’t look like that.”  The next night she wakes up and realizes her clothes on her are backward, and feels sick.  She tells her sister and mom.  She went to the police and did a rape kit.  There is now 3rd trial in Idaho.

Jodie’s sister is crying on the stand because she felt guilty for introducing her to him.  There were 20 beers between them.

Host: Is there a time when you believe that you were intoxicated, that you don’t remember saying yes?
Jodie: No.

The female taxi driver was on the stand: “He was dragging her to his home.”  This proves she’s too drunk to consent.

Host interviews JM.
Host: Did you date rape anybody?
JM says no to drugs, rape.

Host: Are you a surgeon or an astronaut?
JM: Based on legal advice, I can’t answer.

JM: If I am such an a God- awful person, then why would they keep hanging out with me?

JM is found guilty in Idaho.  Jodie’s friend yells out “Yes!”

Jury all said he was guilty.  There wasn’t even a close count.  One woman juror said as soon as she heard the taxi driver seeing JM drag Jodie to the house, she knew Jodie was too intoxicated to consent.  They then learn about the Philadelphia rapes and were “floored.”  Lawyers couldn’t tell the jury what happened in Philadelphia because it was in a different state.

The judge sent him to prison for life.  In Philadelphia, expert witnesses are now allowed to go on the stand because of 20/20.  Before they couldn’t so they could explain why women date their rapists.

My opinion: I think the women believe him because love is blind.  They want to believe what they want to believe.  I totally understand they want to believe they weren’t raped. JM is a manipulator.  If you believe or think you have been raped, you go to the hospital right away and do a rape kit.  You don’t have to press charges, but just do a rape kit just in case.

For some reason, I was triggered to watch the Maury show.  It’s because I have to watch 45 min of 20/20 to get a verdict.  Then I can say: “Yeah!  In your face bitch!”  On Maury’s paternity tests, there are 5 min. of arguing between a man and a woman if he is the father.  Then there is the result and the audience goes crazy.

I can hear Nelson from The Simpsons say “Ha ha!”  He picked the wrong victim with a lesbian.  Being a lesbian was like this 100% way of saying she was not going to have sex with him.  If she was straight, I think there would have been a conviction due to the taxi driver eye witness.  This is a message to rapists and would- be rapists to not go drugging and raping women.

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