Tuesday, June 5, 2012

job articles/ small business/ Seven steps to a better job

May 26 Job articles:

Summer: Daisy Barton sent me this article "How to Spend Your Summer."  It's an infographic aimed more at college students, but it's still informative.  It's about gaining experience in your field, getting a job and volunteering.  If you want to get experience and you're a junior or senior in college, you can ask a professor if they need a research assistant.


Job travel: Alissa Alvarez sent me this article "10 Best Movie Scenes about Business Travel."  It's not a totally job-related article, but I need to use more creative thinking.  So think of business and movies mixed together.


May 28 Small business: Liz Nutt sent me this article "9 Small Businesses You Can Start from Home."  It's really good like if you're creative, you can sell your arts and crafts on etsy.com.  I have heard about people who turned their hobbies into a full-time job.  Open a photography business and do weddings.

I went to to the City Market over the weekend and met a woman who took photos and sold them.  They're really nice because she travels and takes pics from India and the Phillipines.  I asked her if she went to school to learn photography and she said no, that's she's self-taught.

Has anyone thought of washing and doing laundry for people as your own business?  It's so simple, but I don't like doing laundry.  How about freelancing?: "Making extra cash by continually practicing your trade will only make you better (and more marketable) at your current job."

This is the creative thinking I need to do when I'm on my job search.

May 29 Seven steps to a better job: I found this on Yahoo and it's a Monster article.  There were some good tips like "#2 Identify your career non-negotiables."

I really like this one.  Instead of going back to school and spending money, you can do this:

"Step 3: Use time effectively to train for your new job or career.
The alum suggested that David get a master's in public administration. However, I urged him to consider foregoing university for what I call You U," where you select one or two experts in the field and ask, "What should I read? What workshops should I attend? Would you mind if I watched you work?""


Step 4 was to do an intense 2 week job search instead of sending one resume a week.  If you send a lot of resumes in one period, there are way more results.  However, in my case I've been sending 100 resumes a month, and getting interviews for a year in 2011.  I only got a part-time holiday job as the result.

So my tip is if you didn't get a job after 2 weeks, keep sending out more resumes.

This is the best part:

"Step 7: Always look forward.

Despite landing a better-fitting job, David still resented being laid off. I told David about my father, a Holocaust survivor. My father rarely discussed the Holocaust and never with bitterness. When I asked him why, he said, "The Nazis took five years from me. They won't get one minute more."

If he can resist looking back bitterly, we all can.

Productive: It was my day off and it was productive.  I cleaned my room by changing the sheets and washing my windows.  I also wiped dust off.  My grandma helped by vacuuming.

21 skills: Kaitlyn Cole sent me this "21 Skills We need the most in a 21st Century Economy."  It's a fast and easy read.  Some are basic like cleaning your online image, managing money.  There are some personal things like yoga, focusing, listening, and unlearning.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." -Alvin Toffler


Companies changing: Alissa Alvarez sent me this article "15 Famous Companies that Started as Something Much Different."  #6 was The Gap and they were selling records and jeans.  They had a hard time selling the jeans, so they changed and started selling just jeans and apparel.

#13 was Lamborghini used to sell tractors and then started making cars.  You have to be creative to save your company like the Gap did.


Internships: Shirley Zeilinger sent me "10 of the Most Coveted College Internships."  They're for big names like Google that has a rock climbing wall, and Southwest Airlines that give away free flights.  The White House and Marvel are unpaid, but it's still really good to work there.


Linked In: Helene Schmidt sent me this "18 Proven Ways to Help Recruiters Find You on Linked In."  I mentioned before to stay away from staffing agencies, but these are really good tips in general.  It could be HR or bosses looking to hire.

List all your jobs, so all of your past co-workers and bosses could find you.  Complete your profile, put up a nice picture, give your phone number and email address.  Write a really good summary and tell people what you are looking for.


May 31 Friends: One of my friends from the Soup place finally added me on Facebook.  I think I saw her last summer in downtown.  She's traveling now. 

I also ran into one of my friends from Call Centre #3 in downtown the other day.  She said that the call centre "has long disposed of me."  She isn't looking for work due to health issues.  So be grateful for your good health that doesn't stop you from working at your job and looking for one.

Stress: I have a job interview tomorrow at this telemarketer job.  It's similar to the last one I had a couple of weeks ago.  Maybe this time I will succeed.  You may say: "What makes you think this time is going to be different?"

It can be different like I did well at Call Centre #1, #2, and #3 until they all closed down and/or laid me off.  At those places I worked for months there.  As for Call Centre #4, I worked one day and was dismissed.  So I had a hit with 3 call centres, and a miss with 1 call centre.  This one may be a hit.

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