Saturday, August 1, 2020

Simply Woman Accredited Trainer (SWAT Institute)- life coach

Oct. 25, 2018 SWAT Institute: It stands for Simply Woman Accredited Trainer:

I learned about this from Sacha Sterling:

The Personal Empowerment Coach Certification

Our Personal Empowerment Coach Certification is a self-paced program that will give you the fastest yet most comprehensive empowerment coach training to help you shift your clients out of any disempowered situation into making healthy, authentic, appropriate choices. We are the world’s #1 coaching program, exclusively for women!

Our Personal Empowerment Coach Certification is designed for the woman who is either ready to launch her coaching business or is already an expert in her chosen field and would love to add “Accredited Personal Empowerment Coach” to her resume.

This self-paced program will give you the fastest yet most comprehensive training to help shift your clients out of any disempowered situation into making healthy, authentic, appropriate choices.

Crystal is a Godsend! I have had the privilege of working with Crystal as a student in her S.W.A.T. Institute, as a coaching client, and as a participant in her 12-week Emotional Edge Telecourse. 

As a S.W.A.T. student, I have been blown away by the quality of the educational curriculum. I have a doctoral degree and have taken many advanced level college and graduate courses. However, the S.W.A.T. curriculum was more comprehensive and useful than most of the graduate level courses I have taken! I learned SO much going through this program and it has been amazing to use the material to help other women.

Crystal’s coaching style is simply… Genius! Her intuition is spot on and I have personally experienced how incredible Crystal is at seeing things for what they truly are. On our first coaching call, Crystal was able “call me out” on my secrets and get to the core of my issues in a way that was unbelievable to me.

 I have worked with other coaches in the past and none have had the intuition and wisdom of Crystal Andrus Morrisette, who has helped me to make MAJOR transformations in my life. 

Before working with Crystal, I felt lost and confused. I felt desperate, looking around relentlessly for answers. Well, Crystal quickly guided me to all the answers. She re-connected me with my real self and helped me to heal the wounds I had been carrying around for decades. 

I feel like a million bucks after working with Crystal! I wake up each day with a huge grin on my face, excited and hopeful for a future that I could not see before working with Crystal. I am so endlessly grateful for all she has done for me and I am so lucky to have her as a mentor and a coach.

~ Dr. Ellen Morello, PhD in Physical Therapy, S.W.A.T. Personal Empowerment Coach 

Throughout this course, you will work closely with Professor of Coaching Izabela Viskupova, L.L.M., M.A., and The S.W.A.T. Institute’s Founder, Crystal Andrus Morissette, in receiving all the the practical and theoretical guidance you’ll need in order to fully master your coaching skills.

Izabela Viskopova graduated with a Master’s degree in Law at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Later, she earned another Master’s degree in Psychology, from the University of Glasgow, Scotland; she also holds a Certificate in Person-Centred Counselling from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland and is a Master Empowerment Coach certified by The S.W.A.T. Institute. Izabela also offers a weekly LIVE phone/webinar conversation where you can learn from, ask questions, and be fully supported in your studies.

Divided into three modules, the Personal Empowerment Coach Certification is brilliantly designed to give you specific interventions that will enable you to help any client, no matter what they are facing. 

The Three Modules

Our Personal Empowerment Coach Certification is composed of three modules:

Module One: Building the Foundation of Empowerment Coaching

The learning objective of the first module is to introduce the students to Empowerment Coaching and the basic tools of this specific coaching method. In this module, students will be invited to master the basic framework of Empowerment Coaching which includes:

  1. The Map of Empowerment
  2. The Concept of Coaching from the Body, Not from the Head

This module takes the students in detail through the most crucial emotional levels on the Map of Empowerment such as Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear and Anger, while offering specific coaching strategies and interventions for each of these levels.

Module One offers a vast opportunity for the students to listen to practical examples of “real life” coaching sessions, which is an invaluable component of the program. 

Also included are video lectures on each emotional level, one live weekly call where students can chat with Professor Izabela, and a private Facebook Group for fellow “student empowerment coaches” to share, connect, and support each other.
Nearing the end of this module, students will also be introduced to the concept of Emotional Age (EA), which is the basis of Crystal Andrus Morissette’s upcoming book, The Emotional Edge (Random House Publishing, December 29, 2015).

Module Two: Boosting Your Coaching Toolkit

The objective of the second module is to build on the foundations laid out in Module One so that the students can further hone and expand their coaching skills.
This module also incorporates some of the more general topics in coaching such as how to structure the coaching sessions or how to build rapport with a client.
The aim of Module Two is also to prepare the students for some unexpected or more challenging circumstances in coaching such as coaching a client with a different cultural background or a client that has just lost someone they loved.
At the end of this module, students are invited to participate in the 12-Week TeleCourse: The Emotional Edge taught by Crystal Andrus Morissette in order to integrate their learnings, personally. Completion of the 12-Week TeleCourse is not mandatory in graduating with your Personal Empowerment Coach Certification.

Module Three: Your Coaching Practice

The objective of the last module is to have the students do their own coaching and practice all the skills and techniques they have learned throughout the course while coaching their own clients. 

The clients will be provided by The S.W.A.T. Institute through the Mentorship Program that enables women from any part of the world to get free coaching. This is a beautiful opportunity for our students to hone their coaching skills.

Section 1: What you need to do to start your Practice Coaching
The objective of this section is to cover the logistics side of the coaching practice so that the coaches in training have everything set up and ready before they start their practice coaching.

Section 2: The Critique session
As soon as students have completed approximately half of their practice sessions (10-15 practice session), they select three of their calls and submit them to their Professor of Coaching who will review them and schedule a critique session with them. The objective of the critique session is to give them feedback on how they have been doing thus far.

Section 3: Final Exam Assignment
The objective of the Final Exam is to put everything together for the students – both the practical as well as the theoretical side of the training. In order to do that, they are required to:
  1. Submit another set of their coaching calls
  2. Answer a set of questions about Empowerment Coaching

The Master Empowerment Coach:

We all know that women are different than men — from our bodies, brains, and hormones to our emotional demands and daily challenges. We’ve walked a very different journey over the past 10,000 years, with an explosion of duality occuring over the past 100 years and because of it, we need specialized programs developed exclusively for us–to heal, to learn, to grow, and to expand our lives and our consciousness. To heal our wounds, make peace with our past, and to move forward with love and joy.

The S.W.A.T. Institute is committed to bringing the most cutting-edge interventions, processes, and transformational techniques to women worldwide! Our premier designation is our Master Empowerment Coach Certification (MECC).

Created for the life-long learner (the woman dedicated to self-actualization as well as improving the lives of others), the Master Empowerment Coach Certification is everything you’ve always wanted in a coaching certification and more!

Academic, emotional, and mystical, we combine science with spirituality, Western with Eastern, all the while taking women on a journey of the Self–understanding how we interrelate, communicate, and navigate our way in the world.

Incredibly healing, motivating, and empowering, this program will lead you into the greatest expression of who you are! Divided into three modules, we cover every single aspect of empowerment: physically, emotionally, financially, mentally, relationally and spiritually.

We have women enrolled from all over the world—some who are fresh out of university, all the way to the 60+-year-old woman who has no post-secondary education but who knows her life and wisdom matters.

We empower all women from all walks of life! We are the next era of the women’s movement and we are dedicated to our global coalition for women!

The Three Modules

Our Master Empowerment Coach Certification is composed of three modules:

Module One: Building The Temple

“Your body is your vehicle for being; when it’s not working properly it’s fairly certain that nothing in your life will work properly either.” 

The first module, Building the Temple, is the most academic of all three modules because it is imperative that our coaches understand the connection between body, mind, and spirit.
The body is the messenger, showing us when things are out of alignment. Designed to teach you the fundamentals of women’s health and wellness, this module will give you a comprehensive understanding of the workings of the body and mind. 

Learning from brilliant women such as Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Mona Lisa Schultz, Beverly Pickard, Priya Sharma, as well as Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and The Dean of our school, Yvonne MacRae, you will be amazed at your new-found knowledge and education of Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Fitness, Weight loss, Mental health, Psychology, and Women’s health & wellness.
The extraordinary part is the consistent and steady feedback from your Professors on all your assignments, helping you to understand the intricacies of your body and mind that will energize and invigorate you! Your knowledge and expertise will excite and motivate both you and your coaching clients!
Once you power through this first module, you are well on your way to tackling, perhaps, the most exciting part of the program, Module Two: The Empowerment Process.

Module Two: The Empowerment Process

Learning directly from our Founder, Crystal Andrus Morissette and Professor Izabela Viskupova, as well as other guest faculty members such as Louise Hay, Gregg Braden, Colette Baron-Reid, Sandra Anne Taylor, and Marianne Williamson, Module Two is where you learn, step-by-step, what empowered communication looks, sounds, and feels like — in every aspect of life.
Using Dr. David Hawkin’s “Map of Consciousness” as a guideline to understanding emotional empowerment, along with listening to many of past recorded “real” coaching calls and watching video lectures explaining the 

healing interventions, 

empowering meditations,

 and coaching processes needed to shift someone from shame and guilt, 

up through blame, grieving, fear, desire, anger and pride into courage, willingness, and love,

 this module takes you through every aspect of understanding your Self and your life (the choices you’ve made and why you’ve made them), while also teaching you how to coach other women through their struggles and self-limiting beliefs.

Module Two, Section Two opens you up to the Mentorship Coaching Program, where you will work in tandem with Professor Izabela Viskupova — who is not only a graduate of our Master Empowerment Coach Certification, she has a Master’s Degree in both Law and Psychology. 

Professor Izabela is dedicated to helping you conquer our unique and specialized coaching process as you practice your skills with women that we provide you to coach; she has created a series of magnificent lectures and videos outlining specific coaching interventions and why and how you will use them when coaching others. She spends time listening to your practice Mentorship Calls and then together you will critique them to master your weakness and catapult on your strengths!
By the time you enter Module Three, your confidence, courage, and skill-set will blow you away!

Module Three – The Business Behind the Business (BBB)

The final module—also known as the Business Behind the Business—teaches smart, savvy, successful marketing strategies that will challenge you to perform at your highest level. Every topic is designed to turn your higher purpose into a high profiting business.
The BBB will teach you everything you need to know about how to create and sustain a successful coaching practice, including media, marketing, speaking, and developing your own courses or teleseminars. 

No stone unturned, Professor Elizabeth Gorostiza (our very first graduate) works directly with you in developing your own successful business plan and website. Plus, you can listen to a series of calls held by Crystal Andrus Morissette that cover topics such as

 “Success Consciousness vs. Failure Consciousness”, 

“The Clearer You Are the Clearer Your Client Will Be”, 

“How Much Money Do You Want To Make”, 

“How to Network and Build a Mastermind Group”, 

“What are Your Seeds of Desire”, 

“What Do You Think You’re Worth”,

 “Be Your Authentic Self in Business”, 

“Find Sponsorship & Partnership”, 

“The Art of Negotiation and Compromise”, 

and “The Time to Plant and The Time to Harvest” just to name a few! 

The overflow of information, education and enlightenment is incredible!
Again, you’ll get consistent and steady feedback from your Professor on all your assignments and quizzes, helping you to understand the intricacies of your business in a way you never could on your own.

Aug. 28, 2019 Iconic Leaders Rise: Anahita Joon and Aaron Glassman interview this woman who created the SWAT Institute:

Crystal Andrus Morissette
International best-selling author, Emotional Age and communication expert, and women’s advocate Crystal Andrus Morissette is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. She is the founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), an empowerment coach certification exclusively for women that is in over 45 countries that she created with fellow female visionaries such as Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, and Dr. Christiane Northrup. Crystal is the author of several best-selling books, including “The Emotional Edge.” She is also certified in nutrition and sports medicine. Learn more at and

About Crystal's free gift:
Mentorship Coaching

Our Mentorship Coaching Program is one of the most beautiful aspects of The S.W.A.T. Institute! We offer free personal empowerment coaching to any woman, living anywhere in the world! Whether you need to get insight, guidance, support, or you simply want to get a better idea of what “empowerment coaching” is all about, our amazing S.W.A.T. Empowerment Coaches are here for you! There are no hidden fees, agendas, or up-sells.

Our Mentorship Coaches have all completed their Empowerment Coach Training at the S.W.A.T. Institute and are beginning to build their own coaching practice. But before they can graduate they must complete 30 practice hours - or three calls per client with ten women. Our Mentorship Empowerment Coaches have already spent countless hours learning the empowerment process and this is the perfect way for them to perfect their skills and for you to get the support and empowerment you need at no charge. Win-win! 
Sept. 10, 2019 Beyond the Edge: 

Join me on Monday, April 1st at 10am ET along with Crystal Andrus Morissette as we talk about Beyond The Edge, a brand new, 7-Week, High-Level, Live & Interactive Business Training Course for women who are driven, determined, and ready to soar in their business.🌟

Sign up and learn more about Beyond The Edge:

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