Sunday, August 19, 2012

Flag this message Tell Putin: Let punk rockers go

 I got this from Amnesty International:

Dear Tracy,

This morning Russian authorities sentenced three members of Pussy Riot, a feminist punk band known for their colorful masks and political activism, to two years in prison, despite an outcry from musicians, activists, and supporters of free speech in Russia and around the world.

Pussy Riot's crime? Singing a protest song in a church.

Amnesty International is mounting a strong global response to help keep Pussy Riot's case front and center. Help us send a truckload of colorful ski masks to President Putin in protest.

Today's verdict is emblematic of increased efforts by President Putin and his cronies to stifle free speech in Russia. That's why we're sending President Putin as many colorful masks, called balaclavas, as we can. Donate $20 or more to send a mask to Putin.

I am outraged by this morning's verdict. It is clear that Russian authorities are trying to silence these women and instill fear in other activists -- don't let them succeed.

Your donation will be used to purchase and transport the balaclavas, and it will help Amnesty International continue our fight to defend human rights worldwide. We'll also email all donors a photo of the masks you helped us send.

More than one hundred thousand concerned people like you have taken action to defend Pussy Riot's right to freely express themselves, and I was proud to carry your petition signatures to the Russian Embassy this week. Join Amnesty International in sending a strong message to President Putin -- we will not let Pussy Riot be silenced!

In Solidarity,

Michelle Ringuette
Chief of Campaigns & Programs
Amnesty International USA

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