Thursday, May 3, 2012

funny video/ kiss cam/ jokes

Apr. 30 Funny video: Roxanne McAnn sent me this article "8 Businesses that Boom on Easter."  I thought it was going to be a business news article, but it's more of a light and fun article.  It talks about Peeps and Cadbury eggs that are sold.  "#3 Bunny Suits" has a funny video of a guy in a bunny suit.

Bunny mascot is standing on the sidewalk. 
Guy comes up to him and they start fighting each other.
A van pulls over.
Woman: Are you okay?
Guy: Yeah.
A subtitle points out the Bunny mascot: He's not moving.
Van drives away.

Show Bunny mascot dancing, and there are cars honking at it when the Guy and Bunny gets into another fight.  lol.

May 2 Kiss Cam: I found this on Yahoo.  Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and her husband David Beckham were sitting and watching a basketball game.  They were caught on Kiss Cam and they were supposed to kiss each other.  VB covers her mouth and looked embarrassed.  They then kiss each other.

I thought that was so funny.  One of the comments was that there was a guy in the back who did a funny pose.  He's a black guy wearing a purple Adidas track jacket with yellow stripes.  I didn't notice him until somebody pointed it out.

Online dating:
I was going through the online dating site, and then I see one of my co-workers who was dismissed on that site.  Damn, is everybody on this site?  lol.  I see his pictures and read his profile, yeah it's him.

He's the guy I had a rift with.  I'm not going to email him and say: "Who are you tell me I'm not a good worker compared to what you did?"  Because it's just a rift.  I'm not going to tell my co-workers he's on it.

Fun article: Sheryl Owen sent me this fun article called "10 Fun Things You Can Do with Junk Mail."  It's mainly art projects like paper mache and fun with the kids.  One of it was putting junk mail into those pre-paid envelopes to get back at the companies who sent them to you.

I remember reading in Post Secret about how all these post cards say that they send those pre-paid envelopes empty so they can support the US postal service.  I did read in the business section of the newspaper today that Canada Post is losing money.  Everybody's using technology like email and text message.  However, you still need Canada Post to deliver stuff you buy off the internet.

May 3 Zoo joke: I got this from Daily Silly.

"They were causing an awful lot of commotion at the zoo, Your Honor," the zoo attendant said. said the judge sternly, "I never like to hear reports of juvenile delinquency. Now I want each of you to tell me your name and what you were doing wrong." "My name is George," said the first boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen." "My name is Larry," said the second boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen." "My name is Mike," said the third boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen." "My name is Peanuts," said the fourth boy.

Me: I thought that was a good joke.  I didn't predict that one.

Driving joke: I got this from Daily Silly.

A young woman is speeding down a freeway, when she stopped by a highway patrol officer. The officer asks if he can see her driver's license. The woman replies angrily, "I wish you guys would make up your mind. Just yesterday you take away my license, and now you expect me to show it to you!"

Me: I thought it was kind of funny.  This sounds like something I would read on Jay Leno's funny headlines, the police blotter.

Marriage joke: From Daily Silly.

One morning a woman said to her husband, "I bet you don't know what day this is." "Of course I do," he indignantly answered, going out the door on his way to the office. At 11:00, the doorbell rang, and when the woman answered it, she was handed a box containing a dozen long-stemmed red roses. At 1:00, a foil-wrapped box of her favorite chocolates arrived. Later in the afternoon, a boutique delivered a designer dress. The woman couldn't wait for her husband to come home. "First the flowers, then the candy, and then the dress!" she exclaimed when he walked in the door. "I've never had a more wonderful Groundhog Day in my whole life!"

Me: That was a light joke.  I predicted that it wasn't going to be their anniversary.  I didn't predict it was Groundhog Day.

Construction joke: From Daily Silly.

A man at the construction site was bragging that he was stronger than anyone else. He began making fun of one of the older workmen. After several minutes, the older worker had had enough. "I'll bet that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to the other building that you won't be able to wheel back." "Okay," the young man replied. "Let's see what you've got." The older man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then he looked at the young man and said with a smile, "All right. Get in."

Me: That was unpredictable and clever.

Gender joke: From Daily Silly:

A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showed her a study that indicated that men use on the average only fifteen thousand words a day, whereas women use thirty thousand words a day. "Well," she replied, "that's because women have to repeat everything they say when they're talking to men." "What?" he said.

Me: I thought it was funny and not really offensive to either genders.

Job joke: From Daily Silly.

Two secretaries were talking about their work. "I hate filing," said one. "No matter how careful I am, I can never find the papers I'm looking for. I forget where I have filed them."

"I used to have that problem too, but no more," her blonde friend said. "Now I make 26 copies of everything I type and file one under each letter of the alphabet. That way, I can't miss it!

Me: Actually this is more of a blonde joke.  The thing is I was really expecting that there was going to be a really good organizational tip in here.  

Plot twist: From Daily Silly:

Susie's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months. Things looked grim, but she was by his bedside every single day. One day as he slipped back into consciousness, he motioned for her to come close to him. She pulled the chair close to the bed and leaned her ear close to be able to hear him.

"You know" he whispered, his eyes filling with tears, "you have been with me through all the bad times. When I got fired, you stuck right beside me. When my business went under, there you were. When we lost the house, you were there. When I got shot, you stuck with me. When my health started failing, you were still by my side. "And you know what?"

"What, dear?" she asked gently, smiling to herself.

"I think you're bad luck."

Me: I didn't predict that.  I was kind of reminded of a scene I wrote where a guy does a job interview.  He got laid off multiple times and he says: "Not that I'm bad luck for making those companies close down."

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