Sunday, December 15, 2019

"Do I pay a headhunter if I apply for a job without them?"/ Andrew Torriani

Aug. 21, 2017 "Do I pay a headhunter if I apply for a job without them?": Today I found this article in the Globe and Mail:


I received two LinkedIn requests from the same headhunter. One mentioned the city and the other mentioned the name of the company and hiring person. I responded with my number, but I haven’t heard back from the headhunter yet. 

At this point, If I directly contact the company, is there an obligation to pay the headhunter? I have no written agreement with the headhunter.


Julie Labrie
President, BlueSky Personnel Solutions, Toronto

In Canada, job candidates don’t pay headhunters. Employers pay headhunters to find the right people for their organizations. So if you contact this company directly, you won’t owe the headhunter any funds.

Consider going back and reviewing your correspondence with the headhunter just to make sure you’ve followed his or her instructions accurately. For example: If a headhunter asks for a detailed answer via e-mail and you reply with a phone number, the headhunter may be delayed in responding as a result of a deviation in their process.

Don’t be shy in following up with the headhunter more aggressively, too. It could be that he or she is quite busy and/or has other candidates on the radar. E-mail or voice-mail follow-ups are completely acceptable and they are often appreciated. It shows your interest and diligence.

If you haven’t been able to reach the recruiter, you can also contact the company directly. There’s no social faux pas in reaching out to a potential employer that way. Just remember that if the company engaged this headhunter to help them recruit, that agent is probably a trusted voice to the employer.

 It may be in your best interest to have the headhunter “sell” you to the company first – as an already short-listed candidate (versus you submitting a general application). Think of it as a warm lead versus a cold lead.


Zuleika Sgro
VP Retail, Saje Natural Wellness, Vancouver

Great question – this occurs often, and in my experience on the employer side, my recommendation would be to reach out to the employer directly as an interested applicant for the role, independent from the headhunter.

Be fully transparent, sharing the experience of being contacted by a headhunter on behalf of the company, with no response from them, but nonetheless contacting the employer directly to express your interest in the position.

While you will be in the dark with regard to the agreement the company may have with the headhunter, you have no formal agreement with the headhunter directly, and since they haven’t responded to you, you have every right to follow up with the company directly.

In my experience, headhunters who are non-responsive to our potential candidates are ones we wouldn’t work with in the future, so this feedback is important to an employer.

Put your best foot forward if you are interested in the role and share all the reasons as well as your qualifications. It’s likely the headhunter did not pass along your information or profile.

I would also suggest you send one final note to the headhunter via LinkedIn, letting them know you have reached out to the company directly since you did not hear back from them. 

Confirm no obligation of representation on either side, to cover all bases. From here, it will be in the hands of the employer whether to speak with you about the role.

2nd answer is a bad answer.  Companies hire and pay for headhunters for a reason: to source and screen candidates. To suggest to the candidate to bypass that and waste the time of the hiring manager is bad advice. As a hiring manager, I would immediately forward the resume to the person I hired to prescreen on my behalf.

Why would you work for a company that lazily and callously pays headhunters money that they could be paying you?

 Does the company not know that paying you more is going to buy more loyalty?

Communications have made it easier than ever to advertise a position and ruthlessly parse candidate applications directly. 

What is the company's HR department doing all day?

Have second thoughts about joining that company.  Headhunters don't care if you are a fit anyway, and direct everyone they can at a job opening in hopes of a payout. Have second thoughts about using a headhunter too.
My opinion: Yeah, headhunters and staffing agencies are kind of a mixed issue.  I have heard that some are good if you want to try out a new position for a tempory amount of time.  There are criticism like how they don't help you because they will put people into a job opening to get a pay out.

"thisnameisavailable" sounds really angry.

The Ladder: Andrew Torriani: Today I found this in the Globe and Mail:

Andrew Torriani is chief executive and general manager of The Ritz-Carlton Montreal.

We called ourselves “mutts” in our family because I was born in Holland, lived in South Africa and moved to five or six different countries after that because of my dad’s job as a hotelier.

 Moving wasn’t too difficult for me because I had three other brothers (and later, a sister) very close in age, so when we were in a new environment we always had somewhere to go. We were all good at sports, and the sports routine introduced us to people.

One of my earliest leadership roles was when I was asked to be a captain on the rugby team. I remember thinking, “Man, this is hard,” because nobody listened to me. The first time you get a leadership position, it doesn’t always work out the way you had it in your mind.

Having a little goal takes you through the rough spots. I think “average” is the worst thing, and I tell my Ritz team that all the time. People will come to me and say, “Hey! We did great!” and I will say, “No, we did average.” We always have to strive to get one step further.

I think it’s important to be active because more and more I find that I’m less tired, I feel refreshed, and if I’m travelling to somewhere where there is a time-zone change I feel good. You get a general good feeling from exercise.

If I look at my life, I had to work like crazy as a student, I never took holidays. When I was going through university, I had to work every day. It was just a fact of life. I didn’t look at it resentfully, I didn’t actually think of how I’d love to spend the whole summer.

I find it intriguing that millennials have this sort of flippant attitude about staying in their current workplaces. I’m sure there is a much, much higher training cost these days because of rapid turnover. 

My feeling is that millennials look at their parents and say, “I saw these people working every single day; did they really have something at the end of it?”

I used to come into situations with an answer or solution already in mind.
I was just kind of intolerant, and was that bratty kind of guy that everyone probably hated. 

Somebody sat me down once and said, “You always know the right answer. Just don’t say it. Listen to others, understand what they’re thinking and you might pick something up that you didn’t know.” It’s one of those things you learn with time.

Today in business, I find that that people can be too analytical, and forget what is really important: the customer experience. Today, often people hire MBAs and place them right into a management position without putting them through the day-to-day part of the job. 

You need to take people out into the world to see what’s out there. Learning in industry is a good thing; I don’t think I could have done what I do today if I hadn’t grown up in a hotel.

I think mentorship is really important. I had the benefit of many people that took an interest in me, and I learned something from every single one. Without mentors such as Calin Rovinescu, I don’t think I would have truly understood the necessity of acting quickly and always assessing whether the status quo is good.

 I was part of a graduate hiring program and I asked people lots of questions. Generally, I learned a lot from the responses and often the manager would be intrigued by the fact that I was curious.

When I’m hiring for my team, I only ask one question. By the time a candidate comes to my office, I believe that if I have the right team, they’ve already done the assessment of all the technical aspects. So my question always is, “Tell me about yourself.”

 And what I’m listening for is intrigue, a bit of competition and an understanding of the world. Some people are going to answer in a second, and give a flat answer. Some people might take 10 minutes and tell me about all of the things that they’ve done. Within that you can uncover so much about that person.

The best piece of advice I can give new graduates is to move quickly. I think with technology, if you stand around and sort of ponder things, you end up making more mistakes than testing something quickly. You have to always be watching and checking and moving. 

I’m always thinking, but I get to a point where I say, “The thinking is over,” and I take a chance. Bias for action, do lots of small inexpensive experiments and support the ones that work.

As told to Karl Moore and Sara Avramovic. This interview has been edited and condensed.

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