Monday, December 31, 2012

A message from Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford

 I got this from Amnesty International:

Dear Tracy,

Taylor and I have supported Amnesty International for decades, because it unites us in saving lives and defending human rights.

We are both very fortunate to live and work in countries where artists have freedom of speech and artistic expression - they are even lauded and awarded for their work.

However, in many countries in the world, creating art or speaking openly can land you in jail, or much worse. Artists doing the same work that we take for granted have been tortured and "disappeared" for exposing painful truths about corruption and inhumanity in their societies. The fall-out for family and friends can be agonizing - even they can become targets of harassment.

Over the last 50 years, Amnesty has freed thousands of people who have been tortured or imprisoned for their beliefs or peaceful activism.

We believe deeply in Amnesty’s vision. Please, join us as proud members of Amnesty today.

In the realm of defending human rights, no voice carries farther or stronger than Amnesty’s. For that voice to remain strong, it needs all of us to step up.

If you give now, every dollar of your gift will be matched.

We are bound together by a passion for human rights. Take that next step with us. Become a member now.

Your gift can make a world of difference.

Very truly yours,
Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford

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