Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Frankenstein Essay"

"Frankenstein Essay" by Tracy Au (2007)

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover” are similar in which Frankenstein’s Creation and the “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator commit murder. The difference is that “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator murders a woman, and Frankenstein’s Creation is a serial killer who commits atrocities towards the men and women who were close to his creator. Due to their personalities, they each react differently to the felonies that they committed. “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator justified his crime, while the Creation showed remorse for all the pain he caused after Victor passed away.

The “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator is a misogynistic psychopath. He shows no remorse after he murders his lover. The narrator justifies his crime as a way to keep his lover all to himself. He gave himself even more reason that what he did wasn’t wrong because God didn’t punish him. She is married, and he wants to get her away from her husband. He wants to have her to himself forever; to guarantee that, he strangles her: “In one long yellow string I wound/ Three times her little throat around, / And strangled her.” (Lines 39-41). He doesn’t really love her, because he kills her. He could have murdered her husband to eliminate the competition. In reality, she won’t be with him forever; her body will be with him forever. He sees that she didn’t struggle, so he doesn’t see anything wrong with what he did. He pried open her eyes and she didn’t cry. In “Porphyria’s Lover,” the narrator view that he has a good relationship with God. He had gotten away with murder and God didn’t react to it. The narrator confirmed by stating in the last line: “And yet God has not said a word!”

“Porphyria’s Lover” narrator sees women as a way to have power over them because they are weak and objects to him. The woman is married and has a lover (the narrator). The lover wants the woman to choose between him and her husband. The lover than decides to simplify the choice for her by killing her. He views that women are not real living people and he easily justified his actions of murder. In fact, he doesn’t really consider it murder at all because she isn’t a real person to him. The Creation and “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator has similar perspectives on women. The Creation sees women as a way to service him. The only thing he ever asked from Frankenstein was to create a woman for him. The Creation didn’t get love from Frankenstein, the blind man’s family or anyone else. He thought he could get love from a woman who is created like him, for him. He sees this woman as an object, and not a person.

The Creation has many reasons to murder Frankenstein’s family, his friend and his lover.
The Creation’s motivation was that he wants to exact revenge on his creator for giving him a life of lonely existence. He is unable to make any social contact without scaring people because of his horrifying appearance. When he does make social contact, villagers assault him because they are afraid of him and consider him a freak. The Creation gains another reason to murder Frankenstein’s lover Elizabeth. Frankenstein promised his Creation that he will make a mate for him, but then he went back on his word and he destroyed it. The Creation got angry at Frankenstein because he will be lonely forever. If the Creation can’t get a partner, than Frankenstein can’t have one either. The Creation inadvertently kills Frankenstein’s father because he dies after he is overwhelmed when he learned the horrible news that Elizabeth was murdered.

The Creation was assaulted by the blind man’s children. He decided to put the blame of his rejection on where it belongs by looking for his creator. He thinks that if he didn’t have a horrifying appearance, he wouldn’t be treated as an outcast and gotten assaulted when he didn’t do anything wrong. The Creation didn’t find who he was looking for, but it lead to him finding Frankenstein’s brother. When he realizes that he is his creator’s brother, he murders Frankenstein’s brother by strangling him. The Creation wanted to get back at Frankenstein by hurting his family. He frames Frankenstein’s family friend Justine for a crime he committed. The Creation was responsible for her death because she was hanged afterwards.

The Creation is a misunderstood creature. People are scared by him and react in fear.
The Creation doesn’t have any friends and he murders Henry so Frankenstein wouldn’t have any friends either. Afterwards, he tries to make it worse for Frankenstein by framing him for it. He is mainly exacting revenge on Frankenstein and to isolate him by killing his close family and friends so he could be alone just like the Creation is.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’s Creation and Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator commit murder because they felt it was necessary for them to be happy if they killed off people with whom they had a conflict with. After “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator commits murder, he is calm and doesn’t feel remorse. At the end of Frankenstein, after the Creation commits murder, he feels guilt. Overall the reader would sympathize over the Creation than the “Porphyria’s Lover” narrator because the Creation has well- grounded reasons for what he did and took responsibility for it.

Works Cited
Hamberg, Cynthia. “My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” (Oct 27, 2004.)
16 Nov.2006


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Tajji said...

That is not a comparison that you are making because they both were the different people and their method to kill was different as you need to explore more about the characters in the movies and then write about those.

Vakur said...

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