Thursday, January 17, 2008

I found this website today. It's new to me because I've never been there before. I found this new product with a ice cream cup on top of a pop bottle. That looks like a lot of sugar and calories. What is this? The Tim Horton's Ice coffee? The large one has 400 calories. My family is always telling my brother about it because he will gain weight due to drinking it. This might as well be beer.

They are strange products. Maybe some will buy it for fun. Go and watch Jay Leno "stuff we found on ebay." It takes more of a search to find it though. But I laugh it at all the time. Since the strike was off of Jay Leno, they haven't done that bit.

They sold a sock that Britney Spears ran over. It sold for $500. The papparazzi was getting too close to her car so of course she's going to run over it. I wouldn't say she's reckless.

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